Saturday, November 17, 2012

Giving Thanks for Holy and Faithful Brothers and Sisters in Christ

I just finished up a study on Colossians with Good Morning Girls. Before beginning a new study, I really wanted to marinate in what God was already showing me and do what He was asking me to do. I wanted to say Thank you god for what He has done in me and what He is teaching me. God is faithful.

Colossians 1:1-14 gave me a new perspective on Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I think a lot about interactions with people. Sometimes, I over think. The draining part of relationships for me is the thinking after all the conversations are over. In some ways it is so good as God shows me where I have sinned and need to be cleansed. Others times He encourages.. Other times, I see where God wants to grow me.  However, many times there is just there long line of I should have done that or I should have said that. Conversations and interactions just keep playing over and over in my mind as Satan tries to attack me and cause much noise in my head so that I would believe relationships are too hard or too training or too much work.

I love people. However, I get distracted when I am around others. I tend to get drawn into their feelings and thoughts rather than spread God's joy, grace and peace. Maybe to them I am spreading God's joy, grace and peace but I feel distracted and a lack of peace as I am with many people. God made us to be with others and to encourage one another on.

Paul  calls His brothers and Sisters in Christ holy and faithful. Do I tend to think of my brothers and sisters this way?

Paul also gives a blessing by saying grace and peace to his brothers and sisters in Christ.  At first, we may want to just skip over this and get right into the meat of the scripture. I didn't this time. God keeps drawing me back to these first 14 verses. I am learning to give grace and draw on God's power, strength, wisdom to be at peace and share that with others.

We are to keep on praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ. These 14 verses gave so much to pray for.
Pray this for brothers and sisters:
1.  For God to fill all of us with knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding
2.  To have a life worthy of Lord and that we would please God in every way
3.  To bear fruit
4.  To grow in knowledge of God
5. To be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might
6. To have great endurance
7. To have patience
8. To joyfully give thanks

Purpose of praying for brothers and sisters in Christ is found in verse 10 "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way. Then in verse 10- 11 Paul goes on to say what a life that is worthy of the Lord and pleasing to him looks like: bear fruit, grow in the knowledge of God and are strengthened with all power according to His glorious might. Paul goes on in v. 11-12 to state that great endurance, patience and joyfully giving thanks comes from the bearing of fruit, growing in knowledge of God and being strengthened with God's power according to His might.

I just realized as I was typing that I am in included in here. Many times, I think I need to be the one praying for brothers and sisters without praying for my self. God has called me Holy and Faithful as His child based on Christ alone who has qualified me to partake in the inheritance.

Going back to feel distracted with others. Many times I have great joy and peace without others. Also, I think I get way more done without complaints, arguments, trouble, people asserting their ways, going in so many directions, being pulled. However, I realized once again God does not give me grace, peace and joy to keep to myself. It is meant to be shared with others.  It is easy for me to share food, money, possessions and to be generous with others but I don't know how to share grace, peace and joy with others.  Is it a hug with words that if we are God's children, He has rescued us from dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of son of His love. We have redemption and forgiveness.  I am to be faithful to just be and have God's light shine in the darkness so that the ministry of reconciliation to God is done. People need to know they are forgiven and can have peace with God. There is a hope stored up for them. People need to know there is a rescuer.

Colossians 1:11-12 reminds us that God strengthens us with His glorious might so that we can have endurance, patience and joyfully give thanks. These qualities are needed in order to continue faithful in relationships.

I start out as David did many times in the Psalms pouring out my heart to God about others but end up rejoicing in God that He is our power, our might, our strength, and our endurance.

Lord Jesus, may I continue to walk faithful in spreading your love, grace and Good news. A way to know I  abide in you and love you and others is to obey what your word says. May I continue to bless those who curse me, do good to those who hate me,pray for those who spitefully use me and persecute me. (Matthew 5:44-48). May I and my brothers and sisters be filled with the knowledge of yoru will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. May we have a life worthy of you and please you in every way. May we bear your fruit, grow int eh knowledge of you, being strengthened with your might, have your endurance, patience and joyfully give thanks to you. May we walk faithfully in your love.

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