Friday, April 10, 2015

Reflections of 1 Peter 1

1 Peter 1 Wrap Up Study Through Love God Greatly.Com

What Stood Out in Chapter 1 of 1 Peter
Like in Peter's time, we, Christians are pilgrims in this land. We may not be scattered in all different regions but I have seen churches scattered.  There is also a scattering in the sense of all the private grief, numerous trials and loss we all face. God reminds us that we are born again to a living hope and not a dead hope. This hope produces real fruit unlike things that are dead and do not produce fruit.

 This living hope is possible because of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. God tells us that our inheritance from Him is imperishable, undefiled and will not fade away as it is reserved in heaven for us. Many times we are focused on things that do change, decay and fades away. However, the true things God gives do not change, decade or fade. 

We are reminded that we are guarded by God's power through our faith until we fully inherit that final salvation.  We are also reminded that we will face various (multi faceted) trials of all kinds.  God also reminds us that through these trials, God's purpose is to have our faith to HIs praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Others can see Jesus when our suffering produces glory, honor and praise to God. 

We are also reminded to prepare our minds for action and fix our minds on things which are eternal. We are not to let our minds roam on whatever is entertaining. We are to prepare our minds for action! We also are to be sober in spirit which reminds me to walk in the spirit. We are then told to be obedient to God's will and not be conformed to our former life and lusts. We are called to be Holy like God who is Holy. God says "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY." This is the upward call in Christ Jesus to be holy, obedient children of a living faith that allows others to see Jesus. 

Was there a Verse that really spoke to Me
1 Peter 1:3-4 really stood out to me: Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) ! By His boundless mercy we have been born again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (born anew) into an inheritance which is the reach of change and decay (imperishable), unsullied (undefiled) and unfading, reserved in heaven for you.

This verse really stood out to me too:
The verse that really stood out to me Chapter 1 v. 22-23 that "Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart having been born again not of corruptible seed but incorruptible through the word of God which lives and abides forever...

Did you Notice any Themes
I noticed the themes of focusing on the eternal. God wants our mind on things above rather than everything in the here and now.  God also put on my heart that obedience to HIm brings Him honor and glory. The main theme that kept coming out to me is the incorruptible. We spend so much of our time on the things that fade, change and perish but God wants our hearts, minds and actions to be on the things that do not change, do not fade and do not perish.

Is there an Area of Your Life You Need to Focus On
God has asked me to focus on showing love to all without partiality, praying against partiality in the Church of God  and to focus on eternal reward and inheritance in heaven rather than earthly things..

What do you sense God is Whispering to You
God is whispering to me that grieving is normal and here in v. 6 says grieved by various trials. It is not fun to be grieved. We do not go through things just because God thinks we need to be more like Jesus. We go through them because we have been bought with His precious blood and it is for God's honor. God knows those who go through suffering 1. may choose to disown Him or just get the praise themselves or 2. bring him praise, honor and glory when others see revelation of JESUS.  OUr faith is more precious than gold (which perishes).