Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blessed are the....

Scripture: Proverbs 31:28
Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying: (NASB)
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. (NKJ)
The word rise up could mean to stand (excitedly). Blessed is the Hebrew word Ashar which means to  be happy, blessed. It also means .go straight, walk, go on, advance, make progress, and to be led on.
1.  Her children take a stand and they bless their Mother
2. It appears that blessings are observed and given based on what the children see 
 When I hear Proverbs 31: 28, I am reminded of Matthew 5:3-11
(Beatitudes) and the blessed are the ___________. The first one is “Blessed are the poor in spirit,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Without being poor in spirit and knowing and receiving everything from God, we cannot be the Proverbs 31 woman. We have to be spiritually bankrupt before God. All of our doing is like filthy rags before God. Everything comes from His hand.  The character mentioned in Matthew 5 speaks of why one would be called Blessed which include: poor in spirit, one who mourns, one who is meek,  one who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, one who is merciful, one who is pure in heart, one who is a peacemaker, and who who is persecuted because of righteousness. 
My son is only 3 ½ so he is not grown, but I already see fruits of him blessing me. He spontaneously will tell me “You are lovely and beautiful”, “I love you”, “You are the best Mommy”. When I asks him how he knows something that I was surprised that he knew he says “you do that”. There are so many things that my son observes about me that I am not aware. I love how he is attentive and speaks out what he sees. His first reaction when he sees my husband and I not agreeing is to pray for us. If he notices anything that is not love, he prays.  Likewise, Nehemiah sees his Father blessing me and praising me and him. Nehemiah does not speak the words we speak as a blessing but his words of love and praise pour out. I love how they are spontaneous and a true reflection of love. 
Of course when children are grown, you see even more fruit but I don't think children have to be all grown to be a child after God's own heart. Jesus says let the children come to Him. When trained early and God's spirit comes into their life early, they are easily trainable and malleable. This does not mean that there are not frustrating moments and moments of sin. We still have those moments in our own life. However, life is not characterized by those moments in which discipline and correction is needed according to God's word. Sometimes we as parents see something as "sin" or frustrating but we don't take the time to see what our attitudes were like that day. Also, sometimes the child just needs training in that area and we need to do it. Sometimes it truly is sin but it is not personal toward us. They are sinning against God and we have the authority to train and correct. Grace is also important.  I have seen prayer work with regard to peace in our homes. When we put on the armor of God and engage in the battle of prayer, God works His Fruit of Love into our homes and lives.
My husband praises me as well. I have been having strangers coming up to me and praising me too. Many times, I need to let this sink in as there were many years of a critical spirit in our home. God is so good to know what we need before we ask. He is so good to provide a good word in due season to encourage us.
I try not to live on praises of my child, husband or others but on what God thinks of me. It is good to be praised by others and it is encouraging but I don’t want to lose heart just because I am not getting outward praise.  I want to be blessed because of the things that God says we are blessed for in Matthew 5.

Prayer: Lord, nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling. I pray that I am a Mother that clings to the cross. May I be blessed because I follow hard after you. Lord, may I continue to do everything heartily onto you.

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