All my friends know I am a night owl. I use to stay up until 1 or 2 every night. The many late nights of studying in college and law school reinforced my "night owl" traits. I thought 9 or 10 pm was the beginning of the evening.
Then in March of 2012 my husband started a new job that required him to leave the house by 6or 6:30 (earlier if he goes to the gym at Cornell). Since I am waking up ealier, I am getting tired by 9 p.m. Some nights I am tired by 8 p.m.
When I was younger, my Mom and I would walk to my Grandma's house and she would be in bed at 7 p.m. She did read for awhile before falling asleep. I remember thinking that I could never go to bed by 8 p.m.
I am learning that I like the morning hours. I seem to accomplish more when I am up by 6 a.m. I think better. I have a more regular schedule.
Yesterday, I jumped out of bed at 4:45 a.m. but didn't go to bed until 11 pm. I definitely worked hard all day picking strawberries and processing strawberries. Then I had a mess to clean up before going to bed. I am learning that some nights require me to stay up later but that God always strengthens me when I sing and rejoice in Him.
The Scripture in the Proverbs 31 study is Proverbs 31:18 "She sees that her trading is profitable (work is good) and her lamp does not go out at night."
Observations: (1) the work we do should be accomplished well (2) Sometimes we have to get up early and go to bed late to finish what is set before us. Sometimes the work can wait. I am learning to do the work instead of keeping it to do all at once. It is more manageable to do tasks with my son when they are broken up and routine.
Application: I am learning to do the work instead of keeping it to do all at once. It is more manageable to do tasks with my son when they are broken up and routine. My friends now that I like to play and do a lot of fun stuff with my son. Lately, I have been doing more work as a lot of projects came up all at once. I am learning to have fun and play in the daily work and not just segregate work and play. We can play while we work. I am learning that I can sing while I work. I am learning that I can tickle my son and laugh while we work. I am learning we can play games while we work. I do like to work hard and play abundantly. I am learning to celebrate God in each moment. He is showing me how to put all things first.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that we can play while we work. Thank you that you are a God of joy. I pray that my days would reflect the fruit of your love and that I may be filled with joy. Lord, please forgive me for grumbling about work at times. Thank you for your strength.
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