Persevering Application
This week’s character or virtue was diligence, the opposite of laziness, slothfulness or idleness. The term diligence is derived from Latin phrases meaning "to choose," and "to love earnestly." To be diligent is to choose to start a project, finish a project, make preparations, follow through and work heartily onto the Lord with whatever work has been assigned or whatever work you see that needs to be done. I didn’t come from a wealthy family in terms of money nor did I grow up in Church, but my family showed me character. We didn’t go on expensive vacations. We camped a couple of times per year. . We spent time at our local river swimming, playing in the sand, we watched the town baseball game between locals, we spent time talking to people in town , we helped others, we played board games together, we did crafts together, we liked town fairs and town functions.
One area I became very diligent in was my studies at school because I thought that was an area to help others and to not worry about money. I didn’t wait for others to teach things to me or do it for me, I jumped right in to learn. I became a lawyer and so the word “due diligence” was easy for me. I would always check, research, try, explore, research again everything I read or a client would say. I would use and invest my energies, talents and gifts to complete tasks. God has given me perseverance to withstand troubles and continue at places that are difficult. Now, I a stay at home mostly and pick up legal work occasionally. Finally, I am back into a mode of working hard in whatever I do for God not to look good, get more, earn more or anything more. I work hard in my home and outside for God’s glory and because he says to. I am learning to be content with what God gives.
Today, I was listening to the rooms of a woman’s heart. I liked how an analogy of building was made to our spiritual home. The first room discussed was the basement and foundation. Many people want to talk about all the precious things and beautiful things we fill our home with to make it “beautiful” but the most important part of a house is the foundation. Without Jesus Christ, we don’t have a firm foundation. God tells us in His word that those that build on sandy foundations are those people who hear the word of God but then do not do what it says. The people who build on the rock of Christ do what he says in His Word. All people experience “storms’ in their life but the one who perseveres and withstands is the one who does what God says to do.
This week, I am pondering many things including building the Church, our spiritual homes inside of us/heart/God’s Spirit residing in us, building our family homes where we live, building my son up to be a warrior for Christ, and building our church up. I am trying to learn more about working on projects more communally with everyone doing their part.