The last post was really informational so you knew what reading programs existed in our area. I wanted to let you know that the libraries, in addition to weekly story time, rhyme, crafts and songs, also host special programs. The Broome County Public Library has a special program coming up on February 11, 2012 from 10 am - 12:30 pm called Martha Speaks. Your children can engage in hands on activities, read with Bark-9 therapy dogs and at 12:00 pm enjoy a special screen of the PBS show, Martha Speaks!
We stopped by the Broome County Public Library last Monday, January 9, 2011 to return books, and we found out they were having a Senators Reading Program at 3:30. We went home, picked up Daddy and went back to the library. I was amazed at the quality of the program. Two Senators arrived with Max, the mascot. They read a book, answered questions, signed autograps and talked with the little kids and us big kids. The Library staff hosted by Mrs. Sarah provided a hockey skate craft for the children to color and lace up. Nehemiah had the hockey players sign his skate. These programs are not something to take for granted. They are quality programs provided free of charge. It provides a great setting to make memories with your children and to get to know others in our community.
While we were at the library, we found a new resource, the Leap Frog tag system reader. It was great for our trip to Staten Island. Nehemiah listened to book after book and learned words as he used the tag reader.
The Bark program (separate from Martha Speaks program) occurs on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Nehemiah liked seeing all the dogs as he tried reading books. We look forward to the Martha Speaks program.
Nehemiah and I have attended lapsit story time at the Broome County Library before he could even walk. We look forward to the new program called Rhythm, Rhyme and Storytime that occurs on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. Ms. Michelle who does the lapsit story time is engaging and great with children. After the storytime and songs, the children have free play. Mothers get to know each other and children have other little children to play with.
Nehemiah likes the library so much that he pretends to be a librarian. He sits at the computer terminal and says "I am a librarian. I help people find books." When I was growing up, the closest library was about 15 minutes away (two towns from mine). They didn't have any programs or story time/crafts/songs as far as I know, but I was still happy for a small library. Growing up in Long Eddy, a small town nestled in the Castskill Mountain region, we didn't have all the programs our area here offers. I hear people throughout the Binghamton region complain about our area, but I really am impressed with this family friendly area. Our county, city and town officials doing a great job promoting the arts, education, literacy and fun for the whole family. We like to support these free and not free programs. There is so much to be grateful for and hope you get to participate in some of these events.
We are enjoying our Cuddle Up and Read program. I hope I don't lose my voice as we already read 100 books within 4 days. We look forward to a challenge and hope to fill many more 100 book sheets.
Yesterday, we read a book about igloos as Nehemiah has been wanting to build a real one. Since we don't have snow yet, we settled for a play doh igloo after we read our book.
In the future, I hope to provide posts on things to do in our area on nature, education, fun, special programs. As a family, we hope to provide a resource guide compilation of our area so if you are new to the area or new to be a parent or just have lived here a long time but don't know what there is that this would help.