Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Hidden Talents

God talks to me in Scriptures. As I read today's verses for the Proverbs 31 study, I remembered The Parable of the Hidden Talents from Matthew 25:14-30. My job as full time lawyer ended four years ago this May when I was three months pregnant. I took this as a "sign" that God wanted me to stay home to prepare my heart and home for the arrival of our child. I planned on going back to work full time but things did not work out that way. I started hearing a call to be a homemaker, a wife, a mother and to put all my talents and concentration in what God was asking me to do. My husband had mentioned this years before after a men's meeting but I didn't want to hear that then. Now it is the best thing that has ever happened in my life.  We gave up a lot of "serving" in our church when we became parents so that we were not away from home every night. We did continue to be small group leaders in our home but our son was only away from us about 1 1/2 hour while he was next door with my Mom. Then we gave up small group because I was getting tired. This basically cut us off from "fellowship". I thought we would only take off 6 months but that 6 months turned into 2 years.

I have stopped meeting with so many friends. I have stopped formal counseling and mentoring of others. The belief is that I would serve as needed wherever our family was. There is some informal serving going on with my son when we are out in the community. There is serving in our neighborhood with treats, pictures and a kind word but we have no routine, ongoing serving as a family.

My son does help two other teenagers pick up bullentins after church. His face glows knowing he is being diligent and helping. I love seeing him serve our church family. I was trying to concentrate on "my family" and "our son" but somehow, I know I started hiding talents because it was easier. Also, I don't want to be greedy or teach my son to just spend what God gives us on ourselves (this includes talents). I am still praying for wisdom to know how much time to spend apart from my son. I believe we are to do most things together as a family when we can.  For some reason, I start to feel anxious when I think God is asking me to step out to serve others in a more formal, ongoing role because I feel I will not be fulfilling the most important purpose as a wife and mother. I am still seeing if I am serving there well. I think it is time to step out and trust God will multiply.

I do now, however, the last two years + of not serving as heavily outside the home was God's plan. My main ministry after being a child of God, wife is my discipling of my son. During this time, my son has accepted the Lord. My main ministry and work calling is motherhood. It has been worth everything in this life. Nothing compares to being a Mommy.  I am so grateful I get to spend every moment with him sharing everything.  My talents are not wasted or hidden on being home.

~Prov 31:24 - She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.
~Prov 10:4 - Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.

1. God wants us to be diligent
2. We are to use what God has given to others. When we fail to do so, we also  become poor ourselves.

Application:  My hidden talents may be (1) hospitality; (2) teaching/mentoring other women; (3) using God's word to teach, admonish, encourage, build up, train in righteousness.  I have started writing again since this Proverbs study.  I have a love for the written word and sharing God's truth. I still see my home life as a mess and keep telling God when that is in order for a few months then I will step out. When I am meeting my husband's need then I will step out. However, I have started to see that by hiding talents, I am not as encouraged to meet my hsuband's needs. I have become lazy by hiding talents. I think sometimes in black and white. I sometimes serve others too much. Other times I neglect serving others outside the home as I am too concentrated in my home on my son and husband. Whatever not of faith is sin though. For me, I know some of the not serving outside is that I am fearful I will neglect my family as I have heard that the main person I am discipling is my son.  The area I am to step out in is (1) having others over to our house more like I use too - celebrations and times of fellowship; (2) small group in our home or at church for all ages so that we don't have to be separated as a family. This would be new and is a bit scary. However, I don't want to be lazy in the talents God has given. I want to show my son how to share what God has given for God's glory. 

At His Side while He Wears the Crown

I love how God made us women from Adam's rib. He took us from the side of Adam. The views in this world may try to change God's truth but God's truth abideth still. There are some who may think we women can rule and we are more capable, stronger and do what we say we are going to do. We don't need a "man" to rule" us. There are some who may think women should be trampled over by the men as the men do whatever they want to women. We should just keep quiet in silence and of course be gentle. God's words are thrown around in ways He never intended or told others to use. However, our God is faithful and He does not change like the shifting shadows of our culture and other people. God is not like us. His thoughts and ways are much higher and are not our ways.

God took us from the man's side not from his head or his foot. I can't take credit for that line. Although that may not be the direct quote, I have read that. If we are taken from the side of Adam, what does that mean?

 His ribs protect his most precious organs, the heart and lungs. The ribs essential provide support for the whole chest cavity.  Our heart pumps all the blood throughout our body. Our lungs help us breathe and provide oxygen to all of our cells. Without oxygen and blood, we would die. This is a simple description of what our hearts and lungs do but you probably realize they are essential.  God didn't just make us women from anything. He chose a rib, the precious part of the body that protects the two most vital organs.

Today's Proverb Study Scriptures:
~Prov 31:23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
~Prov 12:4 A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
1. Our husbands are to be people of influence at the city gate or wherever they are sent to by God. I pray regularly for my husband and son to find high esteem with God and men.
2. We, women are to be crowns. I like the imagery of nobility of a crown with the use of "noble character". If we are not a crown, we are a disgrace and like decay to our husband's bones (almost like arthritis - pain in the bones that causes us to be weakened).

Application:  The application for me is that in order for my husband to be a man of influence, I need to submit to God and do my part. I use to make more money than my husband. I led our family in many areas. My husband was grateful for this. He supported me. Then things changed. We realized God's plan was different than our own. Sometimes the old way seemed to work better for us as we were use to it. Dying to our self is always harder. I stopped working (for the most part other than an occasional contract) when I was three months pregnant. I started sensing a peace in Motherhood and being a wife that I never had before.  Lately after suffering some major losses and setbacks, I have started getting angry at the losses. I have started feeling more pain and thus have started talking more about my losses.  I don't want to ignore that I am in pain but I don't want to focus on the pain so much that I become a pain and decay in my husband's bones. Decay seems to be slow. It doesn't happen just once or in one moment usually. Decay involves a process. We may not see the result of decay in one day but over time, you will see it. I am starting to see things that we receive at our wedding start to decay. A decade of time (going on 11 years now) can do that. Likewise, I am starting to see behavior that I had ten years ago bring an some ugly returns. I am starting to pray more and be quiet so that I don't bring decay into my husband's life.  I want to stay by his side.  More so than decay, I have seen beauty. God has taken decay and restored so much. He is the God of restoration and beauty. To Him be the praise.

Prayer: Lord, where there is decay bring restoration. God you are the God who restores. You are my only Help. Lord, I want to be a crown and not just stay by his side while silently gritting my teeth. I want to stay by his side with encouragement and a quiet assurance. Lord, restore me to the woman that you want me to be.  You are the potter and I am the clay. You made us women from the ribs of our husband. I pray that I would be a helper to my husband and bring you Glory.