My God given name is Melinda which means "gentle". I use to be more gentle and still am at times. However, I have become demanding and harsh when I want to make a point. I see God, however, restoring me to be dressed as he made me to be dressed with gentleness. This is a continuation of the One Thread at a Time. There are times where I am not gentle but God is a gentleman and has whispered his gentleness to be over and over in the last few months as I have struggled with loss and health issues one right after the other since January.
Right now, I am to be on total voice rest due to vocal cord dysfunction. I love to talk. Actually I would have defined my gifts and abilities with the spoken word. My career prior to being a stay at home mom/homemaker was a lawyer. I was not a layer that sat at a desk but instead was a litigator/trial attorney. I remember when I was in high school, I was so shy that when we had to speak in front of the class, I would break out in hives. I remember thinking I can't do public speaking. I gave God excuses like Moses when he was sent to Egypt to free the Israelites. God however has always given me the Words to speak. Also, I believed my spiritual gift had to do with speaking forth God's word in teaching, mentoring, prophetically or in a word of knowledge. I also have bene homeschooking my preschool aged son. I love to read outload to him. Everything I did seemed to involve speech. Now, I am left to try to communicate without words. I have been stressed in trying not to speak. Yesterday, I was contimplating whether I was just as precious to God even if I never received my voice back. I know in my head I am precious without my voice to God but this lack of voice is shaking me and making me contemplate more about being dressed in Christ. God has been sufficient and has dressed me daily with Himself and His strength.
Scripture for Today:
1 Peter 3:4 "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."
1. we are to clothe self with beauty that comes fromw ithin
2. gentle and quiet spirit never fade
3. inner clothing of gentle and quiet spirit is so PRECIOUS to God
Once I am clothed with Christ robe of righteousness and not my own, then Jesus describes the clothing we are to wear. There are many scriptures on how we are to be clothed which I mentioned some in the previous post. When I think of clothing I am to wear as way of application I think of 1 Peter 3:4 "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." Originally this post was part of my post Dressed One Thread at a Time. However, when I woke up this morning and saw that the Scripture for today's Proverb 31 study was 1 Peter 3:4, I divided the two posts which were getting rather long anyway. I like how God's spirit brings a verse to our hearts. His word comes alive for me and many times the whole of the Bible starts coming to me when a topic is mentioned.
My given name Melinda actually means "sweet and gentle one". God says we as women should be clothed with a beauty that comes from within which is a gentle and quiet spirit. My name Melinda can also be broken down to Mela as honey and Linda as Gentle. It can also mean dark haired one. I am dark haired still for the most part except for a few grays but somehow I have moved away from the true name God has given me which is to be sweet, gentle one. We probably all know the saying "you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar." Actually, I heard that this saying over the weekend while I was camping.
What does it mean to be gentle? I read in The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges that gentle in some translations is restful. Are people at rest or at ease around you? Gentleness is how I deal with others. We are to be people sensitive to tohers opinions and ideas. Others should not be afraid to express their ideas or opinions in our presence. I also read in The Practive of Godliness that gentleness is also a respect for a person's dignity/worth for who they are not what they do. I am to avoid blunt speech or abrupt manner.
In addition to be clothed with gentleness, I am to be clothed with quietness. I am now on total voice rest for three weeks. I have to pick my words carefully and only speak when absolutely necessary. I am learning that I don't need to speek everything that comes to my mind even if they are good, building up words. Too many words can overwhelm. Proverbs 20:5 says "The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out." We are to quietly draw counsel out of others. We are not to be harsh, demanding, drill them with question after question or tell them everything that we are growing in so that they end up feeling guilty or crushed.
Prayer: .Lord let me have the self control to be gentle and quiet during this time of silence. Let my spirit talk to you without using audible words. Lord help me to have self control and modesty in words so that i don't need to expose everything I am thinking or learning. Lord thank you that gentleness is a fruit of your spirit. I trust that you are restoring me to my true name - gentle one. Thank you Jesus for your hope in this required time of silence as I have voice rest. Let me be a person of understanding that draws people out rather than tell them what they should do. Thank you for my name Lord and your promise that you will dress me in gentleness.
What I am learning about being gentle and quiet:
1. I am learning to allow others to speak their mind, thoughts and ideas without having to have a comment
2. I am learning to listen and watch more
3. I am learning not to demand or expect but to ask politely and with thanksgiving whether or not I receive what I want
4. Letting my husband speak his heart, mind and thoughts more
5. Seeing that my family is so sad and speaking less when I am not speaking shows me that I do most of the talking
6. that being gentle is having people at rest within my presence. They can just come sit in my house without feeling they have to be or do something special. They don't feel that I am silently judging them.
7. I don't have to say everything I am thinking or learning.
8. I am learning to finally write more than speak everything.
Read 6/12/2012 post on what I am learning in the silence and quiet without my voice.
Verses for further study:
Colossians 3:12 - Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
***Out of 5 things we are to wear, one is gentleness***
Philippians 4:5 - Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
James 3:17 - But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
***Gentleness is evidence of heavenly wisdom***
Matthew 11:28-29 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
***Jesus described himeself with two words in this quote - gentle and humble***
1 Kings 19:12 ~ Elijah hears a gentle whisper and it is God's voice speaking to Him.
Proverbs 15:1 ~ A gentle answer turns away wrath.
Zechariah 9:9 ~ Prophecy of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. Describes Him as gentle.
Matthew 11:29 ~ Jesus describes Himself as gentle and humble in heart.
Acts 27:13 ~ a gentle wind made for easier sailing
1 Corinthians 4:21 ~ Paul reminds the Corinthians that God's kingdom is not just talk and words. It is the power of God! He puts it to them in a question, "Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?"
Ephesians 4:2 ~ "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
1 Thessalonians 2:7 ~ describes gentleness as the way a mother cares for her little children
1 Timothy 3:3 ~ opposite of violent; requirement for one in authority at church
2 Corinthians 10:1 ~Paul appeals to the Corinthians in the "meekness and gentleness of Christ"
Galatians 5:22-23 ~ part of the Fruit of the Spirit: gentleness
1 Timothy 6:11 ~ gentleness is a quality we are to pursue
1 Peter 3:15 ~ We are called to be ready to tell others why we have the hope we have, but challenged to do it with "gentleness and respect."
Isaiah 30:15 ~ there is a strength in quietness
Isaiah 32:17 ~ "The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever."
1 Timothy 2:11 ~ specifically a characteristic God's women are to pursue: quietness
Genesis 25:27 ~ Jacob was described as a quiet man
1 Chronicles 4:40 ~ Family of Simeon was looking for new land and found a place described as, "rich, good pasture, and the land was spacious, peaceful and quiet."
1 Chronicles 22:9 ~ Israel would be granted a season of peace and quiet during Solomon's reign
Job 6:24 ~ a spirit of humility, a teachable spirit. One who is willing to be quiet and admit wrong when necessary.
Psalm 23:2 ~ The Lord, our Shepherd leads us by quiet waters
Psalm 83:1 ~ a prayer requesting God not to keep silent and quiet
Proverbs 17:1 ~ A peaceful, quiet - yet, modest home is to be desired over many possessions with quarreling and strife.
Ecclesiastes 9:17 ~ listen to quiet wisdom over loud foolishness
Amos 5:13 ~ knowing when to keep quiet shows prudence
Zephaniah 3:17 ~ God will quiet our hearts with His love
Mark 1:25 ~ Jesus commanded quiet from the evil spirits
Mark 4:39 ~ Jesus commanded quiet from the weather
Mark 6:31 ~ Jesus encourages His disciples to come with Him to a quiet place to rest
Luke 19:40 ~ If all of God's people are required to keep quiet, even Creation will cry out
1 Thessalonians 4:11 ~ "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life..."
1 Timothy 2:1-2 ~ "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kinds and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Dressed One Thread At a time
Have you ever hear the story about our life like a tapestry. Many times we are just viewing the backside of a tapestry. . It appears to be nothing more than many threads that are tangled, frayed, occasionally knotted, and seemingly random. Nothing really makes sense. It’s no wonder people lose heart, give up, and abandon their commitments. But our eyes are not seeing as God sees. It’s only when you turn a tapestry over that you see the art: the rich colors, the texture, and the patterns that can make a tapestry a thing of astonishing beauty. We are now on the 21st verse of Proverbs 31 about making herself coverings of tapestry (many versions say bed coverings). Tapestries are often works of art and they provided the practical comfort of insulation for your wall or a divider for privacy around your bed.
These tapestries were to cover her family while they slept but these tapestries also surrounded the entire bed area for privacy. Jesus as the Living Word and then the Bible the Written Word serve these functions for me. FIrst, I need to be dressed in Jesus Christ and His living sacrifice he made for me so that I can be dressed. Second, I need the written word as the Holy Spirit illuminates meaning and transformation in my life. His Word envelops me so that I can have private communion with God anywhere. Many times like the tapestry, we think we have failed. We think that we are not becoming more like Christ. We may feel like giving up. However, we don't always see the beautiful tapestry God is seeing front the front fo the tapestry. We are just seeing threads but God is weaving into our life one thread at a time the fruit of His Spirit to make us the beautiful bride of Christ. Again, it represents that we belong to the King. We need to be dressed appopriately to join the feast.
Read Matthew 22:1-14 about a wedding feast prepared by the King. Everyone had an excuse why they couldn't make it. Then the King sent out a servant to gather people off the street. The day arrived and one of the guests was not wearing "wedding attire" and was thrown out. " Here's the background: In Jesus' day, guests coming to a royal banquet were expected to wear festal garments. For the wealthy, that meant embroidered robes and gowns adorned with precious jewels. For the poor, it meant the best clothes you had, freshly washed. If you could afford it, you'd wear white, and, if you couldn't, you'd wear as close to white as possible. Commentator Richard Bauckman says, "Wearing festal garments indicated one's (full) participation in the joy of the feast." (Journal of Biblical Literature, Fall, 1996, pp. 485-486)"
The Proverbs 31 women is not just making herself coverings of tapestry bur her clothing is silk and purple. The soldiers dressed Jesus in a purple robe right before his death on the cross. I have read that the Proverbs 31 woman represents the church dressed in righteousness. We can't dress any old way we want to attend the wedding feast of the Bride (the church) and Bridegroom (Jesus).
If you go through the Bible, you will see many accounts of clothing and how we are to be dressed. In the Old Testament, Adam and Eve tried to clothe themselves with fig leaves after they sinned. Then God had to kill an animal to clothe them properly. In Ephesians, we are to be dressed in the armor of God (belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, sandals of peace, shield of faith, sword of the spirit).
For the last few days, I keep hearing the Solid Rock hymn in my head. These words have been imprinted on my heart "When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found, Dressed in His Righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne" (The Solid Rock).
We as women should be concerned with our inner beauty. This post is more about being clothed with Christ and our inner beauty rather than outer beauty or physical clothes we wear. I know he is asking me to be clothed with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. I will write more about this on the next post.
It is important to ask how you are dressed inwardly.
Proverbs 31:21 - She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
1 Timothy 2:9-10 - likewise also that women should adorn (clothe) themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.
1. The bed coverings in many translations seems to be coverings of tapestry which is a pice of thick, textile fabrics with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored threads. I think it is interesting to use the word tapestry as if we look on the back we would only see threads but we turn it over and would most likely see a beautiful design. This reminds me of the story that our life is like a tapestry that God is weaving. We can't see everything he is doing and many times if we just look at parts of our life, it doesn't look so beautiful because we don't see what He is weaving in our lives.
2. Women are to be clothed with modesty and self control in their good works (God prepared in advanced for us and based on His righteousness).
Before we get into be clothed with modesty and self control or with a gentle and quiet spirit, we need to address whether we are naked, dressed in our own filthy rags or in Jesus' robes of righteousness.Our outer clothes are not as important as we are dressed inwardly. If we are dressed inwardly with Christ, we will dress outwardly with modesty to reflect beauty.
Are you Naked?
Do you remember the story The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson? In this story, two rascals, pretending to be weavers (tailors), tricked the king. They convinced him that they could weave new clothes out of the most exquisite stuff imaginable. These clothes had the unusual property of becoming invisible to every person who was unfit for their office, or those who were exceptionally "stupid" (Andersen’s word). No one wanted to lose their job or appear stupid so they all joined in on the lie. They all said how wonderful the clothes were. Then a child yelled out innocently "but he doesn't have any clothes on." The truth alarmed the King but he had too much invested in the pretense to admit the truth.
It is a tragedy when we go on in a pretense thinking we are covered when we are not. This category includes people who think they are wearing Christ but they are not trusting Him and living by His Spirit and power. We are living a lie, a pretense, a hypocritical life.
Dressed In our Own Filthy Rags
There are others that are not really pretending to be clothed but they are working very hard to earn their robes of righteousness. They have not trusted Jesus and received His clothes of Righteousness. After Adam and Eve sinned, they covered themselves with fig leaves. These fig leaves were not adequate. God had to kill the first animal as a blood sacrifice to cover Adam and Eve. Eventually, Jesus' sacrifice and his life and blood covers us completely once and for all when we believe and trust in Him. We are to put off old life and put on Jesus.
Clothed with Christ's Righteousness
I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, (Isa. 61:10 - NIV). With this category, we are to ask whether we trust in His salvation and His robe of righteousness not my own acts of righteousness.
Are you dressed for the wedding feast?
Daily, I need to put on the armor and dress as Jesus tells me to dress. This comment from the commentary on the parable of the wedding feast is where I am thinking application is necessary in my life. The comment was "Wearing festal garments indicated one's (full) participation in the joy of the feast." I can't half heartedly participate in the joy. I can't be of the world and of God. I can't do what I want and follow God. I can't love Mammon and God. I either will hate the one or love the other. I can't want and have everything the world offers and say I love God wholeheartedly. My application is to live and love God wholeheartedly and to give thanks that He took off my filthy rags and put on His robe of righteousness on me. Again as I write another scripture comes ot my mind about the parable of the lost son. You can read this in Luke 15:11-22. When the rebel son comes home, His Father is so overjoyed he runs to his son and falls on him kissingh im. The Father is not angry or saying "I told you so" when his son comes home. The Father throws a feast. The father puts his robe on his son.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you that by faith through grace you place yourr robe of righteosness on me. Thank you that I don't need to work to earn your love initially or after being saved. Lord, thank you that you promised that the good work you started in my life that you will finish. Thank you Lord Jesus that you are creating a beautiful masterpiece.
These tapestries were to cover her family while they slept but these tapestries also surrounded the entire bed area for privacy. Jesus as the Living Word and then the Bible the Written Word serve these functions for me. FIrst, I need to be dressed in Jesus Christ and His living sacrifice he made for me so that I can be dressed. Second, I need the written word as the Holy Spirit illuminates meaning and transformation in my life. His Word envelops me so that I can have private communion with God anywhere. Many times like the tapestry, we think we have failed. We think that we are not becoming more like Christ. We may feel like giving up. However, we don't always see the beautiful tapestry God is seeing front the front fo the tapestry. We are just seeing threads but God is weaving into our life one thread at a time the fruit of His Spirit to make us the beautiful bride of Christ. Again, it represents that we belong to the King. We need to be dressed appopriately to join the feast.
Read Matthew 22:1-14 about a wedding feast prepared by the King. Everyone had an excuse why they couldn't make it. Then the King sent out a servant to gather people off the street. The day arrived and one of the guests was not wearing "wedding attire" and was thrown out. " Here's the background: In Jesus' day, guests coming to a royal banquet were expected to wear festal garments. For the wealthy, that meant embroidered robes and gowns adorned with precious jewels. For the poor, it meant the best clothes you had, freshly washed. If you could afford it, you'd wear white, and, if you couldn't, you'd wear as close to white as possible. Commentator Richard Bauckman says, "Wearing festal garments indicated one's (full) participation in the joy of the feast." (Journal of Biblical Literature, Fall, 1996, pp. 485-486)"
The Proverbs 31 women is not just making herself coverings of tapestry bur her clothing is silk and purple. The soldiers dressed Jesus in a purple robe right before his death on the cross. I have read that the Proverbs 31 woman represents the church dressed in righteousness. We can't dress any old way we want to attend the wedding feast of the Bride (the church) and Bridegroom (Jesus).
If you go through the Bible, you will see many accounts of clothing and how we are to be dressed. In the Old Testament, Adam and Eve tried to clothe themselves with fig leaves after they sinned. Then God had to kill an animal to clothe them properly. In Ephesians, we are to be dressed in the armor of God (belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, sandals of peace, shield of faith, sword of the spirit).
For the last few days, I keep hearing the Solid Rock hymn in my head. These words have been imprinted on my heart "When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found, Dressed in His Righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne" (The Solid Rock).
We as women should be concerned with our inner beauty. This post is more about being clothed with Christ and our inner beauty rather than outer beauty or physical clothes we wear. I know he is asking me to be clothed with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. I will write more about this on the next post.
It is important to ask how you are dressed inwardly.
Proverbs 31:21 - She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
1 Timothy 2:9-10 - likewise also that women should adorn (clothe) themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.
1. The bed coverings in many translations seems to be coverings of tapestry which is a pice of thick, textile fabrics with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored threads. I think it is interesting to use the word tapestry as if we look on the back we would only see threads but we turn it over and would most likely see a beautiful design. This reminds me of the story that our life is like a tapestry that God is weaving. We can't see everything he is doing and many times if we just look at parts of our life, it doesn't look so beautiful because we don't see what He is weaving in our lives.
2. Women are to be clothed with modesty and self control in their good works (God prepared in advanced for us and based on His righteousness).
Before we get into be clothed with modesty and self control or with a gentle and quiet spirit, we need to address whether we are naked, dressed in our own filthy rags or in Jesus' robes of righteousness.Our outer clothes are not as important as we are dressed inwardly. If we are dressed inwardly with Christ, we will dress outwardly with modesty to reflect beauty.
Are you Naked?
Do you remember the story The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson? In this story, two rascals, pretending to be weavers (tailors), tricked the king. They convinced him that they could weave new clothes out of the most exquisite stuff imaginable. These clothes had the unusual property of becoming invisible to every person who was unfit for their office, or those who were exceptionally "stupid" (Andersen’s word). No one wanted to lose their job or appear stupid so they all joined in on the lie. They all said how wonderful the clothes were. Then a child yelled out innocently "but he doesn't have any clothes on." The truth alarmed the King but he had too much invested in the pretense to admit the truth.
It is a tragedy when we go on in a pretense thinking we are covered when we are not. This category includes people who think they are wearing Christ but they are not trusting Him and living by His Spirit and power. We are living a lie, a pretense, a hypocritical life.
Dressed In our Own Filthy Rags
There are others that are not really pretending to be clothed but they are working very hard to earn their robes of righteousness. They have not trusted Jesus and received His clothes of Righteousness. After Adam and Eve sinned, they covered themselves with fig leaves. These fig leaves were not adequate. God had to kill the first animal as a blood sacrifice to cover Adam and Eve. Eventually, Jesus' sacrifice and his life and blood covers us completely once and for all when we believe and trust in Him. We are to put off old life and put on Jesus.
Clothed with Christ's Righteousness
I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, (Isa. 61:10 - NIV). With this category, we are to ask whether we trust in His salvation and His robe of righteousness not my own acts of righteousness.
Are you dressed for the wedding feast?
Daily, I need to put on the armor and dress as Jesus tells me to dress. This comment from the commentary on the parable of the wedding feast is where I am thinking application is necessary in my life. The comment was "Wearing festal garments indicated one's (full) participation in the joy of the feast." I can't half heartedly participate in the joy. I can't be of the world and of God. I can't do what I want and follow God. I can't love Mammon and God. I either will hate the one or love the other. I can't want and have everything the world offers and say I love God wholeheartedly. My application is to live and love God wholeheartedly and to give thanks that He took off my filthy rags and put on His robe of righteousness on me. Again as I write another scripture comes ot my mind about the parable of the lost son. You can read this in Luke 15:11-22. When the rebel son comes home, His Father is so overjoyed he runs to his son and falls on him kissingh im. The Father is not angry or saying "I told you so" when his son comes home. The Father throws a feast. The father puts his robe on his son.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you that by faith through grace you place yourr robe of righteosness on me. Thank you that I don't need to work to earn your love initially or after being saved. Lord, thank you that you promised that the good work you started in my life that you will finish. Thank you Lord Jesus that you are creating a beautiful masterpiece.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Four Functions of the Blessing and Five Aspects of the Blessing
Have you longed for your parents or someone to bless you? Have you longed to know how to bless your children? Do you have intentions of blessing others (spouses, friends, pastors, teachers, neighbors) but not know what to say?
I have been reading The Gift of The Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent. My plan is to give you the highlights of the blessing so that you can know you are highly valued by God and so that you can use your words to bless others from the blessing you receive from God.
There were four functions of the Blessing in the Old Testament:
1. The word for blessing pictured God's original plan for mankind. One of the very first things God did after creating man and woman was to bless them. In Genesis 1:27-28 "God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. Then God blessed them..." This was God's creative purpose.
2. The Blessing was a time to pull together a group (to unite a group)
3. The Blessing was a time to call upon God's protection.
4. The blessing was used to mark an important rite of passage: a birth (Ruth 4:14-15); a marriage (Gen. 24:60) or on the passing of leadership from older to younger generation (Gen. 27:1; 48:1).
The Family Blessing Includes:
Meaningful Touch
- come near and kiss me (Abraham says to Isaac in Gen. 27:26)
- meaningful touch is very important when you say the blessing. Meaningful touch can include kissing, hugging or laying on of hands.
- touch communicates warmth, personal acceptance, affirmation.
A Spoken Message
Some people think they are doing ok just because they are not yelling or bringing their children down by their words. However, "a lack of negative words does not translate into a spoken blessing." (The Gift of the Blessing, pg. 20). Silence can harm our children. They are left to fill in the blanks.
We need to verbalize to our children how we accept them and love them.
Attaching "High Value" to the One Being Blessed
To bless means to bow the knee. Therefore, we are to share the high value of person we are blessing based on who they are not simply on their performance.
Picturing a Special Future for the One Being Blessed
A child gains " a sense of security in the present and grows in confidence to serve God and others in the future." when they are blessed (pg. 23) This part of the blessing means we know the gifts and character traits that our child or person we are to bless possesses. Also share with them these attributes or character traits God can bless and use in their future.
An Active Commitment to Fulfill the Blessing
You need to take time with your children to develop a certain skill. Words alone are not good enough. You need to back up words with commitment.
In future posts, I will elaborate on the five aspects of the blessings with examples.
Ever Present Help
Our God is a God that helps. In today's age, people have many worries. They worry about the loss of a job or potential loss of a job. People worry about how to meet budget. People worry about what clothes they will wear and what food they will eat. People compare to others and want more. People feel like they are not enough and do not have enough. Then there are people who don't worry about physical needs but they worry about relationships. They worry they are missing out on a friendship or a marriage. They worry that they are not working hard enough. People worry that they are not experiencing enough, studying enough, and teaching their children enough. People worry that they will not have enough time. I fall into the category of wanting more time and experiences. I don't worry about physical needs but I constantly contemplate relationships, learning and experiences.
I have been learning since becoming a Mommy that God truly is my all in all. I am learning to be still and quiet and realize He is my strength when I am tired, sick and weak. He is my ever present help in trouble when there is a communication difficulty in my marriage. He is my refuge when my expectations are not met. I can sit within His shelter and realize I am safe to pour out my heart. He gives me strength to serve others without expecting anything in return.
God has promised good to me (and you). Once when I was fearing, I heard God's word speak to my heart. God said "A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you." I am safe under God's protection no matter what is happening around me or who is falling near me.
Psalm 46:1-2 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.
1. We will not fear because we have God who is our refuge
2. We will not fear because God is our strength
3. We will not fear because God is an ever present help in trouble.
Application: I do not need to fear. The end of this Psalm speaks of being still and knowing He is God. This type of knowing is an intimate knowing. We can be still when troubles or storms come because we truly and intimately know God is our refuge, our strength and an ever present help in trouble. A definition of refuge is to be sheltered or safe from danger, pursuit or trouble. God is definitely the solid rock of refuge. God is all our hope and stay as he gives us strength to face the circumstances we are in. God is not sometimes present in our lives to help us. God is available day or night (anytime). We can call out to him. We don't have to wait until our husbands are home or our friend or Mother answers the phone. God is always available to us and He is the one that can help us out of any trouble or heartache. I usually journal to God to come to Him as my ever present help. Sometimes I just want to read my Bible, pray, work hard and I forget to just pour out my heart to Him. When I pour out my heart to God, I don't feel the need to do it to my husband or others as much. I am then free to listen to them and to just enjoy them and love them rather than feeling I have to get it all out. This is still an area of application for me and I am thankful that God truly is our refuge - a safe place to pour out everything on my heart and my mind. He strengthens me not just physically but mentally and spiritually. God is my help!!!!
Prayer: Lord thank you that you keep me safe. Thank you that I can run to you no matter what time of day. Thank you that your eyes are on your people. Thank you that you are our refuge by day and by night. Thank you that you strengthen my heart through losses and that I can count it all but gain to have you. Thank you Lord that your love surrounds me.
I have been learning since becoming a Mommy that God truly is my all in all. I am learning to be still and quiet and realize He is my strength when I am tired, sick and weak. He is my ever present help in trouble when there is a communication difficulty in my marriage. He is my refuge when my expectations are not met. I can sit within His shelter and realize I am safe to pour out my heart. He gives me strength to serve others without expecting anything in return.
God has promised good to me (and you). Once when I was fearing, I heard God's word speak to my heart. God said "A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you." I am safe under God's protection no matter what is happening around me or who is falling near me.
Psalm 46:1-2 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.
1. We will not fear because we have God who is our refuge
2. We will not fear because God is our strength
3. We will not fear because God is an ever present help in trouble.
Application: I do not need to fear. The end of this Psalm speaks of being still and knowing He is God. This type of knowing is an intimate knowing. We can be still when troubles or storms come because we truly and intimately know God is our refuge, our strength and an ever present help in trouble. A definition of refuge is to be sheltered or safe from danger, pursuit or trouble. God is definitely the solid rock of refuge. God is all our hope and stay as he gives us strength to face the circumstances we are in. God is not sometimes present in our lives to help us. God is available day or night (anytime). We can call out to him. We don't have to wait until our husbands are home or our friend or Mother answers the phone. God is always available to us and He is the one that can help us out of any trouble or heartache. I usually journal to God to come to Him as my ever present help. Sometimes I just want to read my Bible, pray, work hard and I forget to just pour out my heart to Him. When I pour out my heart to God, I don't feel the need to do it to my husband or others as much. I am then free to listen to them and to just enjoy them and love them rather than feeling I have to get it all out. This is still an area of application for me and I am thankful that God truly is our refuge - a safe place to pour out everything on my heart and my mind. He strengthens me not just physically but mentally and spiritually. God is my help!!!!
Prayer: Lord thank you that you keep me safe. Thank you that I can run to you no matter what time of day. Thank you that your eyes are on your people. Thank you that you are our refuge by day and by night. Thank you that you strengthen my heart through losses and that I can count it all but gain to have you. Thank you Lord that your love surrounds me.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Declaring His Praises
We are in week 7 of the Proverbs 31 study. You may wonder why I have a title of Declaring His Praises on a verse stating that she is not afraid of snow for all of her household is clothed with scarlet. Scarlet is the color of royalty. It was a very expensive color to make and therefore was the most valuable color sought by others. This scarlet color was produced by crimson insects and/or by shellfish.
In the above article The Scarlet Worm, you can read about the insect like the cochineal where the females produced a substance from which the bright scarlet dye was produced. My heart was filled with gratitude to declare His praises as I read about how the "scarlet worm" affixes her body to the trunk of a tree or wooden object never to leave again so that when her young are born they are protected and provided for. Likewise by analogy it is shown that Jesus cried out "But I M A WORM AND NO MAN; A REPROACH OF MEN, AND DESPISED BY THE PEOPLE." I keep thinking of Jesus' sacrifice today. Jesus placed himself upon a wooden cross/tree to protect us and provide for us. We are to remain in Him if we are to bear any fruit. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing. We also are called to love others as He has loved us. In order to have sacrificial love, we need to wear Jesus' robe of righteousness and not our own.
Therefore, I have chosen the title Declaring His Praises because it is all because of Jesus I'm alive. I can wear robes of scarlet because He has taken my filthy robes. I do not need to fear of any season of life because I wear His righteousness.
Proverbs 31:21 - She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
Proverbs 27:23 - Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds...
1. We, believers and followers of Jesus Christ, do not need to fear or worry
2. We are clothed with royalty/blood of Christ - His robes of righteousness
3. We are Shepherds (of individual family and Church Body family).
When my focus is on who I am in Christ and declaring His praises of Him who took me out of darkness into His marvelous light, I am able to see more clearly the condition of "flocks". When I am focused on providing food/meals, clothes, haircut, good marriage, vacation, rest, doing educational and fun activities with child, meeting needs of others, I get tired and worn out as my focus is not on His robes of righteousness/scarlet but on myself. My serving can become filthy rags of righteousness if not focused on Jesus.
Application to me is God's Word revealing His Truth. These are the verses that came to me for application:
1 Peter 2:9 - But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for God's own possession so that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
***This verse I believe came as application about our royal calling and who we are and what our purpose is. This is the reason why God clothes His church family in scarlet****
Philippians 4:4 - 4:9 - Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
***I believe this verse came as application because when I looked up what we are to think upon all those words in my concordance pointed to something about who God is and what He does. When my thoughts are on God, I am able to see others more clearly and therefore know the condition of the flock.****
Matthew 6:25-35 - “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
***I believe this verse came as application because are mind and heart is not to be driven to providing great meals and clothing because God already knows we need these and provide. Worrying doesn't help anything. God calls us to know first how valuable we are in Him and our purpose is first to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. Apart from Christ robe of righteousness, all our works to clean, cook and sew would be fruitless. ****
Lord, thank you that because of the blood of Jesus you make us white as snow. Thank you that you call us a Holy Nation, Royal Priesthood, chosen people, a people for God's own possession. Thank you that you make my purpose clear "TO DECLARE THE PRAISES OF HIM WHO CALLED ME OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT."
In the above article The Scarlet Worm, you can read about the insect like the cochineal where the females produced a substance from which the bright scarlet dye was produced. My heart was filled with gratitude to declare His praises as I read about how the "scarlet worm" affixes her body to the trunk of a tree or wooden object never to leave again so that when her young are born they are protected and provided for. Likewise by analogy it is shown that Jesus cried out "But I M A WORM AND NO MAN; A REPROACH OF MEN, AND DESPISED BY THE PEOPLE." I keep thinking of Jesus' sacrifice today. Jesus placed himself upon a wooden cross/tree to protect us and provide for us. We are to remain in Him if we are to bear any fruit. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing. We also are called to love others as He has loved us. In order to have sacrificial love, we need to wear Jesus' robe of righteousness and not our own.
Therefore, I have chosen the title Declaring His Praises because it is all because of Jesus I'm alive. I can wear robes of scarlet because He has taken my filthy robes. I do not need to fear of any season of life because I wear His righteousness.
Proverbs 31:21 - She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
Proverbs 27:23 - Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds...
1. We, believers and followers of Jesus Christ, do not need to fear or worry
2. We are clothed with royalty/blood of Christ - His robes of righteousness
3. We are Shepherds (of individual family and Church Body family).
When my focus is on who I am in Christ and declaring His praises of Him who took me out of darkness into His marvelous light, I am able to see more clearly the condition of "flocks". When I am focused on providing food/meals, clothes, haircut, good marriage, vacation, rest, doing educational and fun activities with child, meeting needs of others, I get tired and worn out as my focus is not on His robes of righteousness/scarlet but on myself. My serving can become filthy rags of righteousness if not focused on Jesus.
Application to me is God's Word revealing His Truth. These are the verses that came to me for application:
1 Peter 2:9 - But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for God's own possession so that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
***This verse I believe came as application about our royal calling and who we are and what our purpose is. This is the reason why God clothes His church family in scarlet****
Philippians 4:4 - 4:9 - Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
***I believe this verse came as application because when I looked up what we are to think upon all those words in my concordance pointed to something about who God is and what He does. When my thoughts are on God, I am able to see others more clearly and therefore know the condition of the flock.****
Matthew 6:25-35 - “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
***I believe this verse came as application because are mind and heart is not to be driven to providing great meals and clothing because God already knows we need these and provide. Worrying doesn't help anything. God calls us to know first how valuable we are in Him and our purpose is first to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. Apart from Christ robe of righteousness, all our works to clean, cook and sew would be fruitless. ****
Lord, thank you that because of the blood of Jesus you make us white as snow. Thank you that you call us a Holy Nation, Royal Priesthood, chosen people, a people for God's own possession. Thank you that you make my purpose clear "TO DECLARE THE PRAISES OF HIM WHO CALLED ME OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT."
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Does leading a quiet life include facebook?
Quiet! This is a word that is becoming more familiar to me. I am wrestling against the quiet like Jacob wrestled with God but in the quiet I am finding rest. In the dictionary, the following definitions are offered for quiet:
3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
1 Thessalonians 4:11 - And that you study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;
Proverbs 19:17 - Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.
1. The Bible instructs us to work hard
2. We need to study(make it our ambition) to learn to (a) be quiet (b) do our own business and (c) work with our hands
3. Our reward is from God not people
Applications: We have to study and make it our ambition to lead a quiet life. For most of us, I don't think it comes naturally. Study means we put effort into it. We learn ways to be quiet. I do like facebook but I have noticed that it is good for pictures and updates to family and friends that we don't see often. It is good for quick prayer requests or to keep in touch with friends daily but should not supplement real contact. I like facebook for praying for others and encouraging others with something cute that my son said, a Bible verse or some other encouragement about putting our minds on things which are good, just, noble, right and pure.
In the quiet where I can't talk as much, I am learning that I don't need to have all the "answers" for all the suffering of the world. I am learning to bless and thank more. I am learning to listen to others and draw others out. I am learning to work with my hands more rather than think, think, think and talk, talk, talk. I a learning that I don't have the "spiritual gift of fixing everyone" and I am not responsible for everything and everyone. I am learning to mind my own business.
Prayer: Lord thank you for social network sites where we can meet Christians from around the world and do online studies. Thank you that we can send quick updates to family and friends in an instant. Lord, help me to use them wisely and still live a quiet life, do my own work and what you assigned me to do and not do my acts of caring for others before people. Let me continue to serve in secret knowing You see all. Let me knot get my identity in anything other than you. Thank you for guiding my family into our purpose: praising you, lifting you high and glorifying you.
1. Making little or no noise: quiet neighbors; a quiet engine.
2. Free of loud noise; hushed: a quiet street.
3. Calm and unmoving; still: a quiet lake.
4. Free of turmoil and agitation; untroubled. See Synonyms at still1.
5. Restful; soothing: a quiet afternoon nap; a quiet tune on the flute.
6. Tranquil; serene: a quiet place in the country.
7. Not showy or garish; subdued: a room decorated in quiet colors.
8. Restrained in style; understated: a quiet strength; a quiet life.
I am suppose to be on voice rest for three hours a day due to vocal chord dysfunction from a viral illness I had three months ago.I can do vocal rest for two hours when my son takes a nap but he does not take a nap every day anymore. I am suppose to have an hour in the morning, hour in the afternoon and and hour at night. Last night, my voice was going completely and it was difficult to remain quiet. I desire to talk and share with my husband about church small groups. I wanted to share what I was learning. The more I tried to talk, the more pain I was in. My voice and body was exhausted trying to force my ability to talk.
A quiet life involves way more than keeping our mouth quiet but for me it has been the starting point of a quiet life. I am realizing I don't need to share every insight I have in the spoken word. Writing which is something I have always wanted to do helps me to be quiet. Without all the noise in my head and coming out of my mouth, there is a calmness when I don't struggle against the fact that I am losing my voice.
I am starting to see the new wave of being showy is on facebook. Many times, I am seeing we like to share everything we are doing. Sometimes it feels like bragging or gossip. I am learning to do more in "secret" when I do something to help another. God tells us to do our acts of service in secret.
Matthew 6:1-3 says:
1“Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
1 Thessalonians 4:11 - And that you study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;
Proverbs 19:17 - Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.
1. The Bible instructs us to work hard
2. We need to study(make it our ambition) to learn to (a) be quiet (b) do our own business and (c) work with our hands
3. Our reward is from God not people
Applications: We have to study and make it our ambition to lead a quiet life. For most of us, I don't think it comes naturally. Study means we put effort into it. We learn ways to be quiet. I do like facebook but I have noticed that it is good for pictures and updates to family and friends that we don't see often. It is good for quick prayer requests or to keep in touch with friends daily but should not supplement real contact. I like facebook for praying for others and encouraging others with something cute that my son said, a Bible verse or some other encouragement about putting our minds on things which are good, just, noble, right and pure.
In the quiet where I can't talk as much, I am learning that I don't need to have all the "answers" for all the suffering of the world. I am learning to bless and thank more. I am learning to listen to others and draw others out. I am learning to work with my hands more rather than think, think, think and talk, talk, talk. I a learning that I don't have the "spiritual gift of fixing everyone" and I am not responsible for everything and everyone. I am learning to mind my own business.
Prayer: Lord thank you for social network sites where we can meet Christians from around the world and do online studies. Thank you that we can send quick updates to family and friends in an instant. Lord, help me to use them wisely and still live a quiet life, do my own work and what you assigned me to do and not do my acts of caring for others before people. Let me continue to serve in secret knowing You see all. Let me knot get my identity in anything other than you. Thank you for guiding my family into our purpose: praising you, lifting you high and glorifying you.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Touch, Word of Comfort, Prayer
While at the park, a little boy loses his glasses. Then I hear my three year old saying to a boy much older than him "It is ok little buddy, you will find them." As I look in the direction of my son, I see his hand patting the other boy reassuring him that everything will be ok.
I see my three year old opens his arms and hands to help many people in need. While at Good News Club, he is the first one that gets up to get a new person a chair. No one needs to ask him to help others. He just has a heart to help. The teacher, other helpers nor I did not even think to offer a chair to the new people but my three year old son did.He hugs people when they are sad. He invites people over to the house all the time. He has a heart of hospitality and comfort. He prays often for the hungry and people in our city. When he sees the troubled children leaving middle school, he bows his head and prays. I am amazed over and over as to how God is working in his life. I did not teach him some of these things to do. He asked Jesus in his heart all by himself about a month after his 3rd Birthday. He was in the bathroom all by himself (I was in my bedroom next door). I overheard him praying. He said Dear Jesus I love you and I am sorry for pushing others, hitting others and pulling others. Please forgive me for the bad things I do. I want you." Then with loud, joyful praise I hear him yelling for me. Then he shouts with glee " I asked Jesus into my heart." He had seen a baptism service and was very curious. He asked me lots of questions. We were also doing a Christmas devotional that made him curious about being born again. Since that day, I have seen God work mightily in a believing heart. I too see why God says we must become like little children. Nehemiah's faith is strong. He can tell when my husband and I are not loving each other as well as we can and he starts praying out loud for us.
Children live openly. They usually don't hide things. They trust and believe the best. At church, he serves alongside three friends who pick up bulletins after church service. My son asks many times when he can go to "his job". He is so eager to serve others.
Proverbs 31:20 - She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
Deuteronomy 15:7-8 - If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. Rather, be openhanded and freely lend them whatever they need.
Proverbs 11:25 - A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
1. Our arms and hands are to be open to the poor
2. We are refreshed by God through giving more
Since I have become a stay at home Mom, I don't have any ongoing "defined" roles/work outside the home, but I am still learning to have my eyes and ears open to serve wherever I am. I definitely don't feel I am doing enough whereas when I had the role of small group leader, counselor, or teacher, I felt I was accomplishing more. I guess I do have more time to just talk to people as I talk down the road. I really hear people now. In some ways, I have put my eyes too much on all the tasks I have to do in my own house rather than serve the Body of Christ and others around me. At other times, I believe I am serving others but in a more humble, quiet way. As you can see, I wrestle with whether I do enough.
Through studying Jesus and see my son's faith in action, it is becoming clearer and clearer that service is about feeding Jesus sheep. This does mean just meeting the needs of people such as food, clothing, shelter, money. However, it means much more. People who are poor and need need a touch, word of comfort/blessing and prayer. My son always helps by providing what he has but the first thing he does is touch them on the shoulder or arm, prays and encourages them with a word. Nehemiah's name means comforted/consoled by God. I can see why God chose his name to be Nehemiah as it is His purpose for Nehemiah's life to bring comfort to God's people and to "rebuild the broken down walls in people's lives."Jesus touched the leper before he healed him. He could have just healed him physically first but Jesus knew that the man ached for touch. Lepers were outcasts and lonely. The man may have not had human touch for years. Touch is powerful. It conveys compassion that goes beyond an act of serving with some money or food.
Words of comfort and blessing to a person reveals their innate worth. Proverbs 16:24 " Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 15: 23 "man has joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!"
I read this morning in My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers that "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends." Job 42:10. If I am trying to make myself right with God, I am rebelling against the Atonement. I am to cease from every effort and leave myself in Jesus' hands and then pour out the priestly work of intercession prayer. "The real business of your life as a saved soul is intercessory prayer." Job was restored and healed after he prayed for his friends. The devotional ended with "Pray for your friends now; pray for those with whom you come in contact now."
The application for me is for my eyes and heart be opened to touching, offering words of comfort and praying for the poor and needy (physically and spiritually) that I come in contact with on a daily basis. I am very eager at times to just provide the physical needs and then get back to my work or life at home, but I believe my Lord is asking me to watch and pray. This morning before I started writing I couldn't get this song out of my head "Jesus paid it all"
Lyrics: I hear the savior say "Thy strength indeed is small! Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in me thine all in all. Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain - He washed it white as snow. Lord, now indeed I find thy power and Thine alone, can change the lepers spots and melt the heart of snow."
Prayer: Lord thank you that my devotion and obedience is to you not to the needs of man. Out of what you have done for me and the joy and thankfulness that you give, I can share that joy and comfort with others. Open my eyes to see wonderful things from your Word that I can then go out and touch others with your comfort. May I intercede on behalf of others I come in contact with. Many times I would rather serve the need I think is in a person's life rather than pray and wait for your power to touch and give life giving words to a person. Thank you that it is not about what I do but about your power at work in me to see the person in need and touched them with your love.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Can I do it Wholeheartedly?
Many times I do things in the house grudgingly not because I am whole hearted about it. Yes there are times things just have to be done. Many times though if I can't get engage with my whole heart, it is better to do it later when I can do it with all my heart. This week, I have tried to tackle the whole house again at a time instead of sticking to my schedule. I actually get less done and feel I worked harder and more on the days that I try to tackle every room and every chore. On the days that I tackle everything, I feel my heart is divided and I am just going around picking up messes rather than keep a home of order and beauty. I also feel I miss out on time with my son/family/relationships when I am trying to get everything done in the house at once. I also wear myself out and have no energy left for my husband. The days I stick to a schedule, I actually can get more done and feel more relational. I think the days I stick to the schedule, I am actually working with all my heart unto the Lord rather than feeling I just have to get everything done.
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
Ephesians 6:7
Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people,
1. we are to work with ALL of our heart engaged not just part of our heart on the work we do and part of our heart wishing we were doing something else
2. Again we are to work WHOLE heartedly meaning with our whole heart engaged
3. We are to do everything as if serving the Lord not to please people
In Yesterday's post, I wrote about working with our hands to create beauty in our home. In the past, I thought everyone else was creative. I labeled myself as "not creative". I enjoyed beauty and the arts (homemade gifts, museums, art books, poetry, written word) but I did not create or so I thought. I always like to write and journal. I didn't think I could paint, draw, or make a piece of art of any kind.
Becoming a Mommy has really made me think and act differently. I see how we are each wonderfully made by God. We each have hidden talents that we are to use for God's glory and to reflect His beauty. My son as soon as he could sit up wanted to hold a pencil or crayon. He was 9 months and already started drawing. I saw that God just made us for creating. My son, Nehemiah used a doodle pad at the age of 9 months too. When he turned one or before, we started using paint and shaving cream to create pictures. I started seeing how I enjoyed making a picture even if it did not look beautiful to myself or others. I sensed God was smiling at me for my first efforts.
As I continued to explore different forms of art (tape pictures, spray paint, finger paint, marble painting), I enjoyed working with my hands. I wouldn't make any art pictures before because in school I never could make pictures as beautiful as others. I also did not do well in art class. I thought I had to do it as the teacher said or how everyone else was doing it. I did not enjoy art because I thought it had to look a certain way in order to gain the approval of others. Trying to create like everyone else also reduced my creativity in other areas of my life. I started to work hard as being an A student and succeed at what I was good at. I thought I would just buy art rather than work with my hands at art. In doing this, my mind was not at rest.
The application for me is to find the hidden talents that I buried, dig them up and start using them for God's glory.
Application Questions:
1. What have you buried that God gave you to express beauty?
2. How did God make you "fearfully and wonderfully made"
3. How do you reflect God's glory?
Prayer: Lord, I pray that you will lead me to my hidden talents that I buried in fear of trying to impress others rather than you. Please forgive me for working for others rather than you. Thank you that you made me fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you that you make each of us unique
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
Ephesians 6:7
Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people,
1. we are to work with ALL of our heart engaged not just part of our heart on the work we do and part of our heart wishing we were doing something else
2. Again we are to work WHOLE heartedly meaning with our whole heart engaged
3. We are to do everything as if serving the Lord not to please people
In Yesterday's post, I wrote about working with our hands to create beauty in our home. In the past, I thought everyone else was creative. I labeled myself as "not creative". I enjoyed beauty and the arts (homemade gifts, museums, art books, poetry, written word) but I did not create or so I thought. I always like to write and journal. I didn't think I could paint, draw, or make a piece of art of any kind.
Becoming a Mommy has really made me think and act differently. I see how we are each wonderfully made by God. We each have hidden talents that we are to use for God's glory and to reflect His beauty. My son as soon as he could sit up wanted to hold a pencil or crayon. He was 9 months and already started drawing. I saw that God just made us for creating. My son, Nehemiah used a doodle pad at the age of 9 months too. When he turned one or before, we started using paint and shaving cream to create pictures. I started seeing how I enjoyed making a picture even if it did not look beautiful to myself or others. I sensed God was smiling at me for my first efforts.
As I continued to explore different forms of art (tape pictures, spray paint, finger paint, marble painting), I enjoyed working with my hands. I wouldn't make any art pictures before because in school I never could make pictures as beautiful as others. I also did not do well in art class. I thought I had to do it as the teacher said or how everyone else was doing it. I did not enjoy art because I thought it had to look a certain way in order to gain the approval of others. Trying to create like everyone else also reduced my creativity in other areas of my life. I started to work hard as being an A student and succeed at what I was good at. I thought I would just buy art rather than work with my hands at art. In doing this, my mind was not at rest.
The application for me is to find the hidden talents that I buried, dig them up and start using them for God's glory.
Application Questions:
1. What have you buried that God gave you to express beauty?
2. How did God make you "fearfully and wonderfully made"
3. How do you reflect God's glory?
Prayer: Lord, I pray that you will lead me to my hidden talents that I buried in fear of trying to impress others rather than you. Please forgive me for working for others rather than you. Thank you that you made me fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you that you make each of us unique
Working with our Hands Brings Beauty and Rest
I started reading The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer. The book says we should not sit around dreaming of our "dream house". We should make our current home a place that reflects creativity, beauty and our tastes. My husband is the type that sees something in the garbage and sees the potential of beauty. I see it and it is just garbage. After eleven years of marriage and God showing me much about His creativity, I am seeing more beauty wherever i look. I use to just want to buy things in a store rather than make them. Now, I am wanting to make Scripture art of our favorite verses, decorate each room in our house to reflect a theme and to have our home a place of beauty, order, creativity and rest. Working with our hands rather than just thinking about it helps us to find expression in creativity.
Proverbs 31:19 - In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
1. She works with her hands
2. She didn't use a machine to spin (before the spinning wheel)
I don't spin clothes or even sew or make clothes but I do like to write, use scriptures as art forms, make art with my son. I definitely am a thinker and a philosopher. I would read and think any day over work with my hands. I worked as a lawyer for eight years before my son came. I am use to studying and working my brain. I always did house work but I must say I grumbled about it. I felt my mind was not engaged and I became restless. This last week, I worked my body hard, and I realized that my brain was more quiet.
God has instructed us in Psalm 131 not to concern ourselves with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
Psalm 131
My heart is not proud, Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2 But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.
When we work with our hands, our minds many times are engaged on the task at hand. We are not idle. We therefore don't have time to concern ourselves with great matters or things too wonderful for me. This Proverbs 31 study has been helping me to focus on what my hands can make rather than what my mind is thinking.
When I work with my hands whether it is journaling, writing, creating a scripture art, cleaning my house, picking berries for jelly, pulling weeds, thinning vegetables or helping others, I have noticed that I sleep more deeply and my mind is more at rest. When my mind is at rest rather than restless, my home has a peace and beauty beyond any physical appearance.
Prayer: Lord, let my hands work hard rather than be idle. Thank you that you are a creative God and that we are made in your image. Thank you Lord that we are to reflect your glory. Lord, may I not think of things too great for me. I am sorry for the times I feel responsible for figuring out the problems in the world rather than reflecting your Kingdom here on earth.
Proverbs 31:19 - In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
1. She works with her hands
2. She didn't use a machine to spin (before the spinning wheel)
I don't spin clothes or even sew or make clothes but I do like to write, use scriptures as art forms, make art with my son. I definitely am a thinker and a philosopher. I would read and think any day over work with my hands. I worked as a lawyer for eight years before my son came. I am use to studying and working my brain. I always did house work but I must say I grumbled about it. I felt my mind was not engaged and I became restless. This last week, I worked my body hard, and I realized that my brain was more quiet.
God has instructed us in Psalm 131 not to concern ourselves with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
Psalm 131
My heart is not proud, Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2 But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.
When we work with our hands, our minds many times are engaged on the task at hand. We are not idle. We therefore don't have time to concern ourselves with great matters or things too wonderful for me. This Proverbs 31 study has been helping me to focus on what my hands can make rather than what my mind is thinking.
When I work with my hands whether it is journaling, writing, creating a scripture art, cleaning my house, picking berries for jelly, pulling weeds, thinning vegetables or helping others, I have noticed that I sleep more deeply and my mind is more at rest. When my mind is at rest rather than restless, my home has a peace and beauty beyond any physical appearance.
Prayer: Lord, let my hands work hard rather than be idle. Thank you that you are a creative God and that we are made in your image. Thank you Lord that we are to reflect your glory. Lord, may I not think of things too great for me. I am sorry for the times I feel responsible for figuring out the problems in the world rather than reflecting your Kingdom here on earth.
3 Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forevermore.
both now and forevermore.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Delight means something that gives great pleasure to. As a verb it means to give great pleasure, satisfaction, or enjoyment to; or please highly. I have been thinking about this word alot since Sunday when Pastor Blake Shipp gave a sermon about our true name - one whom God dwells and delights in. I have thought about God rejoicing over me with singing.
I heard this song once that just spoke to my heart. It is called Amazed and the lyrics go like this:
"You dance over me while I am unaware
You sing all around But I never hear the sound
Lord I'm amazed by You, Lord I'm amazed by You, Lord I'm amazed by You
How You love me,How wide,How deep,How great, Is Your love for me"
In all my trying to bless others or be a blessing, I sometimes forgot that I am a blessing to God. Read more about this in my blog entry from May 25, 2012.
God is a blessing to me but how am I a blessing to Him? How does he delight in me. He just intrinsically takes pleasure in me for how he made me. The way I understand this is through being a mother. I take pleasure in my son and am well pleased with him just for who he is. He brings me joy apart from what he does. God also sees who we will be not just how we are behaving in a moment in time.
My husband and I want my son to know he is a blessing so here are some of the ways we express this delight:
1. I give him more than he asks for or expects as surprises. This morning, he woke up wanting a cookie or a lollipop. He must have been dreaming about one. Now, I could have said "no we have to eat breakfast first." This morning, however, I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I was tempted to just give him 1 cookie yet I remembered that the Lord gives us more than we can ask for or imagine. I wanted to surprise my son and so I gave him two cookies and a lollipop all before breakfast. My son's smile can light up a room. His dimples get so big, his face lights up and he gives me this smile that makes my heart melt. I just enjoy seeing him smile.
2. We pick themes from books and live them. For example, we have a wacky wednesday story by Dr. Seuss so some wednesdays we have wacky wednesday in our house.
3. We listen to his stories, we laugh at his jokes. We try to listen more and talk less.
4. We just watch and observe him. The eyes are good receivers.
5. My husband and son do "fast kisses".
6. We play baseball and hockey in our living room (we do away with rules like no balls in the house). Our living room is a room we live in and do things as a family.
7. We let him be who God created him to be rather than who we desire him to be.
8. We let him ask questions without fear that he is being disrespectful.
9. We take adventure walks
10. we go down the slides and climb the playsets with him
11. We sit on the floor and play board games, mold things out of playdough, play with dinosaurs
12. We take him to many new places so he can explore and see what he enjoys.
13. We do most things as a family - sit together in church, go on dates, have family meetings, family church singing and Bible reading. We do projects with him in the home instead of thinking he is too small. He loves to be a part of our family and to help out.
I am going to continue to think upon how and why God delights in me and how I delight in my son. I would love to hear your thoughts!
I heard this song once that just spoke to my heart. It is called Amazed and the lyrics go like this:
"You dance over me while I am unaware
You sing all around But I never hear the sound
Lord I'm amazed by You, Lord I'm amazed by You, Lord I'm amazed by You
How You love me,How wide,How deep,How great, Is Your love for me"
In all my trying to bless others or be a blessing, I sometimes forgot that I am a blessing to God. Read more about this in my blog entry from May 25, 2012.
God is a blessing to me but how am I a blessing to Him? How does he delight in me. He just intrinsically takes pleasure in me for how he made me. The way I understand this is through being a mother. I take pleasure in my son and am well pleased with him just for who he is. He brings me joy apart from what he does. God also sees who we will be not just how we are behaving in a moment in time.
My husband and I want my son to know he is a blessing so here are some of the ways we express this delight:
1. I give him more than he asks for or expects as surprises. This morning, he woke up wanting a cookie or a lollipop. He must have been dreaming about one. Now, I could have said "no we have to eat breakfast first." This morning, however, I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I was tempted to just give him 1 cookie yet I remembered that the Lord gives us more than we can ask for or imagine. I wanted to surprise my son and so I gave him two cookies and a lollipop all before breakfast. My son's smile can light up a room. His dimples get so big, his face lights up and he gives me this smile that makes my heart melt. I just enjoy seeing him smile.
2. We pick themes from books and live them. For example, we have a wacky wednesday story by Dr. Seuss so some wednesdays we have wacky wednesday in our house.
3. We listen to his stories, we laugh at his jokes. We try to listen more and talk less.
4. We just watch and observe him. The eyes are good receivers.
5. My husband and son do "fast kisses".
6. We play baseball and hockey in our living room (we do away with rules like no balls in the house). Our living room is a room we live in and do things as a family.
7. We let him be who God created him to be rather than who we desire him to be.
8. We let him ask questions without fear that he is being disrespectful.
9. We take adventure walks
10. we go down the slides and climb the playsets with him
11. We sit on the floor and play board games, mold things out of playdough, play with dinosaurs
12. We take him to many new places so he can explore and see what he enjoys.
13. We do most things as a family - sit together in church, go on dates, have family meetings, family church singing and Bible reading. We do projects with him in the home instead of thinking he is too small. He loves to be a part of our family and to help out.
I am going to continue to think upon how and why God delights in me and how I delight in my son. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Early to Bed like my Grandma
All my friends know I am a night owl. I use to stay up until 1 or 2 every night. The many late nights of studying in college and law school reinforced my "night owl" traits. I thought 9 or 10 pm was the beginning of the evening.
Then in March of 2012 my husband started a new job that required him to leave the house by 6or 6:30 (earlier if he goes to the gym at Cornell). Since I am waking up ealier, I am getting tired by 9 p.m. Some nights I am tired by 8 p.m.
When I was younger, my Mom and I would walk to my Grandma's house and she would be in bed at 7 p.m. She did read for awhile before falling asleep. I remember thinking that I could never go to bed by 8 p.m.
I am learning that I like the morning hours. I seem to accomplish more when I am up by 6 a.m. I think better. I have a more regular schedule.
Yesterday, I jumped out of bed at 4:45 a.m. but didn't go to bed until 11 pm. I definitely worked hard all day picking strawberries and processing strawberries. Then I had a mess to clean up before going to bed. I am learning that some nights require me to stay up later but that God always strengthens me when I sing and rejoice in Him.
The Scripture in the Proverbs 31 study is Proverbs 31:18 "She sees that her trading is profitable (work is good) and her lamp does not go out at night."
Observations: (1) the work we do should be accomplished well (2) Sometimes we have to get up early and go to bed late to finish what is set before us. Sometimes the work can wait. I am learning to do the work instead of keeping it to do all at once. It is more manageable to do tasks with my son when they are broken up and routine.
Application: I am learning to do the work instead of keeping it to do all at once. It is more manageable to do tasks with my son when they are broken up and routine. My friends now that I like to play and do a lot of fun stuff with my son. Lately, I have been doing more work as a lot of projects came up all at once. I am learning to have fun and play in the daily work and not just segregate work and play. We can play while we work. I am learning that I can sing while I work. I am learning that I can tickle my son and laugh while we work. I am learning we can play games while we work. I do like to work hard and play abundantly. I am learning to celebrate God in each moment. He is showing me how to put all things first.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that we can play while we work. Thank you that you are a God of joy. I pray that my days would reflect the fruit of your love and that I may be filled with joy. Lord, please forgive me for grumbling about work at times. Thank you for your strength.
Then in March of 2012 my husband started a new job that required him to leave the house by 6or 6:30 (earlier if he goes to the gym at Cornell). Since I am waking up ealier, I am getting tired by 9 p.m. Some nights I am tired by 8 p.m.
When I was younger, my Mom and I would walk to my Grandma's house and she would be in bed at 7 p.m. She did read for awhile before falling asleep. I remember thinking that I could never go to bed by 8 p.m.
I am learning that I like the morning hours. I seem to accomplish more when I am up by 6 a.m. I think better. I have a more regular schedule.
Yesterday, I jumped out of bed at 4:45 a.m. but didn't go to bed until 11 pm. I definitely worked hard all day picking strawberries and processing strawberries. Then I had a mess to clean up before going to bed. I am learning that some nights require me to stay up later but that God always strengthens me when I sing and rejoice in Him.
The Scripture in the Proverbs 31 study is Proverbs 31:18 "She sees that her trading is profitable (work is good) and her lamp does not go out at night."
Observations: (1) the work we do should be accomplished well (2) Sometimes we have to get up early and go to bed late to finish what is set before us. Sometimes the work can wait. I am learning to do the work instead of keeping it to do all at once. It is more manageable to do tasks with my son when they are broken up and routine.
Application: I am learning to do the work instead of keeping it to do all at once. It is more manageable to do tasks with my son when they are broken up and routine. My friends now that I like to play and do a lot of fun stuff with my son. Lately, I have been doing more work as a lot of projects came up all at once. I am learning to have fun and play in the daily work and not just segregate work and play. We can play while we work. I am learning that I can sing while I work. I am learning that I can tickle my son and laugh while we work. I am learning we can play games while we work. I do like to work hard and play abundantly. I am learning to celebrate God in each moment. He is showing me how to put all things first.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that we can play while we work. Thank you that you are a God of joy. I pray that my days would reflect the fruit of your love and that I may be filled with joy. Lord, please forgive me for grumbling about work at times. Thank you for your strength.
This is the Day
Yesterday, I shared how one of the very first things I say in the morning after my son wakes up and I lie down with him is "Today is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." At the time of writing my blog entry, I did not know that the next days reading for the Proverbs 31 study was Psalm 118:24 which is "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." I believe this is the best start of the day in acknowledging God gave us THIS DAY to rejoice and be glad in it.
Philippians chapter 4 is also all about rejoicing when you are in plenty or in need or when you are full or hungry (all circumstances). Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Observations from Psalm 118:24 and Philippians 4:13:
1. We are to rejoice and be glad each day but especially on the Sabbath
2. We can do the things God has put in our life to do because He strengthens us
Application: The application I came away with is that each day I will rejoice. Rejoicing to me is singing to God, laughing, enjoying people He has put in my life, celebrating, and enjoying His Creation. This week, I want to make Sunday the day set apart and made holy as the Lord's day extra special. I have been thinking for a couple of years on the Sabbath. I want it to be a day of joy and celebration. It is a day that I don't want to carry burdens, sorrow, schedules, work and other cares that go along with a normal week. Although I celebrate every day, I want Sunday to be extra special holy onto the Lord. One thing I was thinking is having Sundae Sundays, special music, dancing, games, celebrating with church family and friends, sharing testimonies, eating more on the Word and just sitting at Jesus' feet.
Prayer - Thank you that we can rejoice in you. Thank you that you strengthen us for each task and circumstance we are in. Thank you that you give us a rest from our daily work/chores. Thank you that our rest is found only in you not following rules and not just in giving up things. Thank you Lord that Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.
Philippians chapter 4 is also all about rejoicing when you are in plenty or in need or when you are full or hungry (all circumstances). Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Observations from Psalm 118:24 and Philippians 4:13:
1. We are to rejoice and be glad each day but especially on the Sabbath
2. We can do the things God has put in our life to do because He strengthens us
Application: The application I came away with is that each day I will rejoice. Rejoicing to me is singing to God, laughing, enjoying people He has put in my life, celebrating, and enjoying His Creation. This week, I want to make Sunday the day set apart and made holy as the Lord's day extra special. I have been thinking for a couple of years on the Sabbath. I want it to be a day of joy and celebration. It is a day that I don't want to carry burdens, sorrow, schedules, work and other cares that go along with a normal week. Although I celebrate every day, I want Sunday to be extra special holy onto the Lord. One thing I was thinking is having Sundae Sundays, special music, dancing, games, celebrating with church family and friends, sharing testimonies, eating more on the Word and just sitting at Jesus' feet.
Prayer - Thank you that we can rejoice in you. Thank you that you strengthen us for each task and circumstance we are in. Thank you that you give us a rest from our daily work/chores. Thank you that our rest is found only in you not following rules and not just in giving up things. Thank you Lord that Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Jesus says "COME TO ME"
God inhabits the praises of His people. (Psalm 22:3). God is definitely present when we praise and worship in spirit and in truth. In God's presence is fullness of joy. (Psalm 16:11). We are filled with joy as we praise Him. Psalm 51:13 says "Give me back the joy that comes when you save me(restore to me the joy of your salvation) Keep me strong by giving me a willing spirit(and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me"
While thinking upon Proverbs 31:17 which says "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." My King James Version Bible says "She girds her loins with strength and strengthens her arms." I like the King James version as it uses the same language that is used in Ephesians 6:14 (spiritual warfare passage) which says "Gird your loins with truth." It is talking about a battle in which we must be strengthened for. I see this passage not as a physical strength but the type of character her life will need to face the difficulties ahead. It is a call to preparation as "gird up" alludes to the custom of gathering the long flowing garments into the girdle and tightening it before exertion.
When I think of Ephesians 6:14 which shays gird your loins with truth. I think the truth in God's Word and God's Holy Spirit illuminating our mind to the truth that Jesus spoke is our true source of strength.
I am definitely seeing a connection between praising God, God being present in those praises, and the joy I received in His presence. The joy of God's presence is what strengthens me and allows me to work vigorously with all my might. Joy gives one energy for every task that needs to be done (mental, physical, spiritual).
Scriptures for Proverbs 31 Study
Proverbs 31:17 - She girds her loins with strength, and strengthens her arms.
Nehemiah 8:10 - Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Ecclesiastes 9:10 - Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, where you go.
1. Joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10)
2. A willing and eager heart comes from time in the presence of the Lord which gives rise to praise, then joy and then strength to do the tasks you have to do
3. Work with all our might now so that God may be glorified and lifted up.
Application: Many times, we want to just get going with our day to accomplish everything on our list. Yet Jesus says "Come to Me" He does not just say to do more or to not do something. He says Come to Me. We are to come to Jesus. Our part is to praise Him and to sing of His goodness. He is enthroned in our praises. In his presence is joy forevormore. Because of this joy of the Lord, we are given strength to accomplish taks. We are kept strong in the joy of the Lord as he continues to give and sustain the willing spirit.
When my son wakes up, one of the first things I say after I lie down by him is "Today is the Day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." I desire to have more of the joy of the Lord as I know without this joy I do not have the strength, tenacity, eagerness, willingnesss, or vigor I need in order to accomplish the work the Lord has prepared for me.
The application step I want to take is to praise God throughout my day in whatever I am doing. I want to sing of His goodness and love.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you simply say "Come to Me". I need the joy of the Lord in order to sustain me. I do pray that you keep me strong by giving me a willing spirit. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and renew a steadfast spirit within me. I don't want to just have a schedule or list of household chores or menus. I want your holy presence to reign as I sing praises. I want my house and my heart to be a holy sanctuary. Thank you Lord that in your presence is joy forevormore.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
In the Silence...
Two days after Easter, I lost my voice. It slowly came back but it is not "my voice". It sounds different - raspy, deeper, cuts in and out, strained, hoarse, breathy and well not my voice. WIth the loss of voice, I have also experienced pain in my neck and throat. I miss talking and reading twenty books to my son. Anyone who knows me knows that I like to talk. I have a lot of follow up doctor appointments to investigate what is going on. In the meantime, I am suppose to be on vocal rest which the vocal therapist says is one hour in the am, one hour in the afternoon and one hour in the evening. The hour in the afternoon is easy because I will write while my son sleeps. Instead of focusing on the pain and loss of voice, I am learning to listen.
In the silence, I am hearing my son ask many deep questions. Instead of answering all the questions as if I had the answer, I am listening to what he thinks the answer is. I am listening without a response other than that is a good question and we should write that down and explore it.
In the silence, I am hearing my husband's needs and concerns with a heart of compassion rather than voicing my answers as to what he should do. I am tempted and start to tell him the answers but then realize my throat hurts and it is causing pain to talk.
In the silence, I am learning to see. I am capturing smiles. I am learning to see when people are in pain and need a smile or a hug rather than a word of "encouragement".
In the silence, I am learning grace.
In the silence, the pressure of having to know it all slips away into peace.
In the silence, I am singing in my heart rather than my voice. More songs are coming to be now and I am singing without saying a word.
In the silence, I see others more than myself.
In the silence, humility shines.
In the silence, a quietness soothes my soul as God says
In the silence, I am hearing my son ask many deep questions. Instead of answering all the questions as if I had the answer, I am listening to what he thinks the answer is. I am listening without a response other than that is a good question and we should write that down and explore it.
In the silence, I am hearing my husband's needs and concerns with a heart of compassion rather than voicing my answers as to what he should do. I am tempted and start to tell him the answers but then realize my throat hurts and it is causing pain to talk.
In the silence, I am learning to see. I am capturing smiles. I am learning to see when people are in pain and need a smile or a hug rather than a word of "encouragement".
In the silence, I am learning grace.
In the silence, the pressure of having to know it all slips away into peace.
In the silence, I am singing in my heart rather than my voice. More songs are coming to be now and I am singing without saying a word.
In the silence, I see others more than myself.
In the silence, humility shines.
In the silence, a quietness soothes my soul as God says
Thursday, June 7, 2012
To Plan or Not to Plan
Usually every year, I have all of our weekends planned for the whole summer. This year was different. I was told on February 13, 2012 that I was going to miscarry. On February 17, 2012, I miscarried. On March 19, 2012, I developed a high fever (sometimes as high as 104) until I was hospitalized on March 23, 2012 for blood sepsis. My liver started shutting down. My heart was beating rapidly and the Doctors could not find a cause other than labeling it "viral". I then developed huge 5 cm cysts on my ovaries that caused extreme back pain, bloating and stomach pain. A few days after Easter, my throat was swollen and I lost my voice (possibly viral but still under investigation). Since April, my vocal chords have been damaged, swollen, irritated and enlarged. More recently, I have developed pain in my joints with weakness in my right arm.
I say all these things to say that the Doctors have called me a "mystery" but I call it deliverance from God. During these strange, hard health problems my strength had to come from the Lord as I didn't have my own strength. I believe it was fine to have all of our get aways and weekends planned as long as I was living a life of dependence and submission on the Lord. The Lord has always been faithful to cause a plan to not come to fruition if it was not His will. Also, there have been many times where the time would come to do that plan and both my husband and I knew despite our wishes and wants that it was not the Lord's best for us.
Also during this time, God has directed my steps by:
1.Having me meet a Chaplain at Lourdes who gave me a name of Dr who is cancer Doctor but also specializes in lyme. I had lyme disease 10 years ago. During our discussions, I found out that this doctor treated someone with end stage ovarian cancer and she survived. This information was helpful because a friend of a friend needed this information. God had put me in the right place at the right time despite my nagging not to be hospitalized. It was the next morning after the hospital stay that I met the Chaplain.
2.Bringing many things in my life by showing me how brief life is and to live for the eternal. My grip on the temporal is becoming looser.
3. Delivering me over and over (seen his healing over and over). The viral infection went away and the liver started functioning well as soon as my Elders, Church and friends started praying. This showed me the power of community.
4. Showing me that this Summer God had different plans for me. The weekend that we normally would have went to Sesame Place, I sensed from God that we should not go. Our whole family wanted to go. It was good we didn't go because that Saturday it was important for my husband to spend time investing in learning about some new things for his job. We didn't know this but it came up on Thursday. Subsequently, my husband and I have both had it on our hearts to work heartily onto the Lord. We have been more committed to have our home look organized and beautiful (not just as a physical dwelling but a place where we want God praised and lifted up).
5. We usually go to Yogi Park during Grandparents weekend, we didn't call and reserve a spot due to everything going on. It was a good thing we didn't because we learned on May 20th that a pastor candidate for our church was coming. We needed to be at Church to meet the Pastor, ask questions, be focused in prayer and discerning. Also, my three year old son developed chicken pox that Friday we would have left. God again directed our steps as to where we should be.
James 4:13-15 "Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow, we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell and make a profit." whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."
1. Life is a vapor (it is short)
2. Attitude of humility and dependence on the Lord (daily manna)
Applications: Committing works to the Lord is not just in prayer asking God what we should do. It is a heart attitude of submission to the Lord and a life of utter dependence. It means I would change my plans even if I had reservations if the Lord spoke something to my heart. It is not just saying "the Lord willing over and over" in a repetitious way. Many people may not make plans. Many people may just tack on The Lord Willing to anything they want to do. There may be some that are afraid to make any plans because they don't know what God's will is. As I read this passage in James, the application that comes to me is that it is ok to make plans. It is fine to have a schedule. Many times a schedule and plans gives a framework to our days. When I don't make plans or a schedule, I sometimes just go about each day without purpose and without seeking God. Schedules and plans give order. However, there are times that I sense in my spirit that God is saying no once a plan is in order. At that point, I may have time invested and money invested in that plan. It is in those moments, that I need to submit to God and say Yes to his plans. For me, I don't have peace unless I submit.
In Isaiah 30:21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." The Lord does speak even if you are in the midst of making plans, already made the plans, already stepped out in doing those plans. When God speaks through His word and into our hearts, it is important to submit.
Many people may think having such an ordered, planned life is "unspiritual and controlling" as we are making our own plans. Others may think that no schedule and just waiting for God is "unspiritual and lazy". I am learning to live in an ordered life that can do without schedules and plans just to delight in people or things God puts in my path. I am also learning to live an ordered life where we do have a very detailed structure to our days. The middle or tension between these two is knowing that the Lord directs my steps. I will hear his voice behind me whether I turn to the right or the left telling me this is the walk, walk in it. I thank God He is not finished with me yet. I have a very detailed schedule that I plan to follow most days but I am sensitive to God's spirit and learning to not see people or things as interupptions to a schedule. I want to be available to people and relationships and not just accomplish things on a schedule. I believe the purpose of a schedule is to provide a framework or order so that in this order and quietness, I can hear God speak. His words from the Bible never come back void. Acts 17:28 says in Him, we live, move and have our being...we are his offspring/children. This is a life of utter dependence.
Application Steps:
1. Did you/I pray through the plans and schedules we made? Did we have planned time, private time, and prolonged time with the Lord?
2. Did we roll off our concerns, wants, burdens onto the Lord and leave them there willing to do we committed to do on our schedule and/or willing to hold the plans loosely if God did not allow them to come to pass or tells us no?
Prayer: Lord ,thank you that we can live in confidence that you will direct our steps. Thank you that everything is in your hand. Lord, thank you that you inhabit the praises of your people. May your praises always be on my lips.
I say all these things to say that the Doctors have called me a "mystery" but I call it deliverance from God. During these strange, hard health problems my strength had to come from the Lord as I didn't have my own strength. I believe it was fine to have all of our get aways and weekends planned as long as I was living a life of dependence and submission on the Lord. The Lord has always been faithful to cause a plan to not come to fruition if it was not His will. Also, there have been many times where the time would come to do that plan and both my husband and I knew despite our wishes and wants that it was not the Lord's best for us.
Also during this time, God has directed my steps by:
1.Having me meet a Chaplain at Lourdes who gave me a name of Dr who is cancer Doctor but also specializes in lyme. I had lyme disease 10 years ago. During our discussions, I found out that this doctor treated someone with end stage ovarian cancer and she survived. This information was helpful because a friend of a friend needed this information. God had put me in the right place at the right time despite my nagging not to be hospitalized. It was the next morning after the hospital stay that I met the Chaplain.
2.Bringing many things in my life by showing me how brief life is and to live for the eternal. My grip on the temporal is becoming looser.
3. Delivering me over and over (seen his healing over and over). The viral infection went away and the liver started functioning well as soon as my Elders, Church and friends started praying. This showed me the power of community.
4. Showing me that this Summer God had different plans for me. The weekend that we normally would have went to Sesame Place, I sensed from God that we should not go. Our whole family wanted to go. It was good we didn't go because that Saturday it was important for my husband to spend time investing in learning about some new things for his job. We didn't know this but it came up on Thursday. Subsequently, my husband and I have both had it on our hearts to work heartily onto the Lord. We have been more committed to have our home look organized and beautiful (not just as a physical dwelling but a place where we want God praised and lifted up).
5. We usually go to Yogi Park during Grandparents weekend, we didn't call and reserve a spot due to everything going on. It was a good thing we didn't because we learned on May 20th that a pastor candidate for our church was coming. We needed to be at Church to meet the Pastor, ask questions, be focused in prayer and discerning. Also, my three year old son developed chicken pox that Friday we would have left. God again directed our steps as to where we should be.
James 4:13-15 "Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow, we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell and make a profit." whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."
1. Life is a vapor (it is short)
2. Attitude of humility and dependence on the Lord (daily manna)
Applications: Committing works to the Lord is not just in prayer asking God what we should do. It is a heart attitude of submission to the Lord and a life of utter dependence. It means I would change my plans even if I had reservations if the Lord spoke something to my heart. It is not just saying "the Lord willing over and over" in a repetitious way. Many people may not make plans. Many people may just tack on The Lord Willing to anything they want to do. There may be some that are afraid to make any plans because they don't know what God's will is. As I read this passage in James, the application that comes to me is that it is ok to make plans. It is fine to have a schedule. Many times a schedule and plans gives a framework to our days. When I don't make plans or a schedule, I sometimes just go about each day without purpose and without seeking God. Schedules and plans give order. However, there are times that I sense in my spirit that God is saying no once a plan is in order. At that point, I may have time invested and money invested in that plan. It is in those moments, that I need to submit to God and say Yes to his plans. For me, I don't have peace unless I submit.
In Isaiah 30:21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." The Lord does speak even if you are in the midst of making plans, already made the plans, already stepped out in doing those plans. When God speaks through His word and into our hearts, it is important to submit.
Many people may think having such an ordered, planned life is "unspiritual and controlling" as we are making our own plans. Others may think that no schedule and just waiting for God is "unspiritual and lazy". I am learning to live in an ordered life that can do without schedules and plans just to delight in people or things God puts in my path. I am also learning to live an ordered life where we do have a very detailed structure to our days. The middle or tension between these two is knowing that the Lord directs my steps. I will hear his voice behind me whether I turn to the right or the left telling me this is the walk, walk in it. I thank God He is not finished with me yet. I have a very detailed schedule that I plan to follow most days but I am sensitive to God's spirit and learning to not see people or things as interupptions to a schedule. I want to be available to people and relationships and not just accomplish things on a schedule. I believe the purpose of a schedule is to provide a framework or order so that in this order and quietness, I can hear God speak. His words from the Bible never come back void. Acts 17:28 says in Him, we live, move and have our being...we are his offspring/children. This is a life of utter dependence.
Application Steps:
1. Did you/I pray through the plans and schedules we made? Did we have planned time, private time, and prolonged time with the Lord?
2. Did we roll off our concerns, wants, burdens onto the Lord and leave them there willing to do we committed to do on our schedule and/or willing to hold the plans loosely if God did not allow them to come to pass or tells us no?
Prayer: Lord ,thank you that we can live in confidence that you will direct our steps. Thank you that everything is in your hand. Lord, thank you that you inhabit the praises of your people. May your praises always be on my lips.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Roll Away the Stone
Many years ago, I studied the Hebrew word "galal" which is the word commit used in Proverbs 16:3. There was an image in my Bible describing this word which said "The picture is of a camel, burdened with a heavy load when the load is to be removed, the camel kneels down, tilts far to one side and the load rolls off." Today as I looked at that word, I read that from the word galal comes the following words:
Galilee - literally Circuit or District
Gulgolet - Golgotha, Skull or Head
Today when I read the words that come from galal, I saw that Galilee was where Jesus grew up and started his ministry at around age 33 and Golgotha, skull was where he was crucified. I saw this as the beginning and the end. Jesus says in Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega." which is the beginning and the end. Also in Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 3For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Since the word galal means to roll, roll down, roll away,or remove, it made me think of the rolling away of the stone when Jesus rose from the dead. When the stone was rolled away, life appeared. Jesus conquered death. The Lord wants to take away the heavy stones in our life so that His life can appear.
Proverbs 16:3 - Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.
Proverbs 21:5 - The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty but those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.
Observations: (1) the commit part is like the rolling away of the big stone that was in front of Jesus' tomb (2) our thoughts are established when God is the beginning and the end of all things (3) Giving my cares to the Lord leads to plenty but if I try to get everything done quickly I will be left hungry.
Each day and each moment as the burden seems heavy and my workload seems hard, I need to stop, kneel down in prayer and roll these heavy burdens and loads onto you Lord trusting that you will take care of me. I can have confidence that you are leading and directing my steps.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you send angels to roll away the stones of death and barrenness. Thank you that we can give our cares and worries to you because you care for us. Thank you that you tend to us as a gardener tends to his prized vineyard. Thank you that you go before us and you go after us. You hedge us in. You are the beginning and the end. Thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. I kneel down in prayer, tilt over and roll all my cares to you. The song that comes to mind is "What a Friend we have in Jesus".
Lyrics to What a Friend we Have in Jesus
Galilee - literally Circuit or District
Gulgolet - Golgotha, Skull or Head
Today when I read the words that come from galal, I saw that Galilee was where Jesus grew up and started his ministry at around age 33 and Golgotha, skull was where he was crucified. I saw this as the beginning and the end. Jesus says in Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega." which is the beginning and the end. Also in Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 3For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Since the word galal means to roll, roll down, roll away,or remove, it made me think of the rolling away of the stone when Jesus rose from the dead. When the stone was rolled away, life appeared. Jesus conquered death. The Lord wants to take away the heavy stones in our life so that His life can appear.
Proverbs 16:3 - Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.
Proverbs 21:5 - The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty but those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.
Observations: (1) the commit part is like the rolling away of the big stone that was in front of Jesus' tomb (2) our thoughts are established when God is the beginning and the end of all things (3) Giving my cares to the Lord leads to plenty but if I try to get everything done quickly I will be left hungry.
Each day and each moment as the burden seems heavy and my workload seems hard, I need to stop, kneel down in prayer and roll these heavy burdens and loads onto you Lord trusting that you will take care of me. I can have confidence that you are leading and directing my steps.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you send angels to roll away the stones of death and barrenness. Thank you that we can give our cares and worries to you because you care for us. Thank you that you tend to us as a gardener tends to his prized vineyard. Thank you that you go before us and you go after us. You hedge us in. You are the beginning and the end. Thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. I kneel down in prayer, tilt over and roll all my cares to you. The song that comes to mind is "What a Friend we have in Jesus".
Lyrics to What a Friend we Have in Jesus
- What a friend we have in Jesus,.
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer! - Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer. - Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there. - Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
There will be no need for prayer—
Rapture, praise, and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there
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