Many times, I have cleaned the house and then it seemed messy within an hour. I have been upset that others didn’t notice the work I did. When I worked outside the home, I felt I accomplish something because things looked finished. I sometimes fail to sit back, look and see how the blessings God has given while being at home. I forgot at times that my identity is in Christ not in what I accomplish. I must admit I like “mind” work more than physical work. For the majority of my life, I was in school. I was trained to be a lawyer. My mind likes to think, ask questions, learn, read. I do not like routine tasks. I don’t mind certain aspects of housework but I don’t like laundry
Today, when I did my daily tasks it was a joy. My three year old dried all the dishes from the dirty refrigerator that we cleaned. He enjoyed drying and putting the containers all in order. He had a system down that I never taught him. He worked eagerly and willingly. Seeing his example in wanting to help and doing it so orderly encouraged me. We listened to hymns and songs as we worked. Sometimes we talked. Sometimes we listed to the music. Sometimes we worked in silence. We accomplished more than was on my list and it was a joy. We even had time for homeschool, to make banana bread, do a science experiment, and read the Bible all before 1:00 pm. This hardly ever happens. Working willingly and eagerly onto the Lord made a big difference in our home today. Today the routine, ordinary tasks became extraordinary as I did them onto the Lord and with my son.
Proverbs 31:13 – She seeks wools and flax and willingly and eagerly works with her hands
Colossians 3:23 – And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men (v. 24 – knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ)Observations:
1. She works with her hands
2. Everything we do is for the Lord (not for husband, children, others)’’
3. She works willingly (eagerly)
1. Whatever work I do, I am to do it as to the Lord with a willing heart not under compulsion (have to, should)
2. If everything I do is as to the Lord, my expectation will not come from others but from the Lord.
Lord, thank you that you have given me hands to work. Thank you that I had so much fun with my son today as we worked willingly today as unto you. Thank you that you see everything. You notice everything. Lord I pray for your power and strength to keep doing everything willingly and for you. May I rest and enjoy the blessing of my husband when he comes home from work tonight.
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