Thursday, May 31, 2012

Water from the Well

After reading Genesis 24:15-20, I couldn't stop thinking about how Rebekah worked eagerly with her hands to serve a stranger and all his camels. Our reading for our Proverbs 31 study included Genesis 24:15-20, but if you read verse 10 you see that there were 10 camels and if you read verse 11 you see it was evening time.  These two facts add much meaning to the story.  First, Rebekah had most likely worked hard all day and then in the evening when she met Eleazar, Abraham's servant, she willingly and quickly served him and the ten camels.  She not only gave the camels water, she came them water until they finished drinking which shows she probably had to keep refilling the water.  She didn't just walk to well to get water for camels, she RAN to the well.  I think it is safe to say that most of us are that eager to serve the people in our lives much less animals (camels).

This was not little job that Rebekah willingly, eagerly and quickly did. One camel usually drinks thirty to fifty gallons of water at one time (maybe more if traveling all day). If you multiplied this by ten the least she would have drawn was probably 300-500 gallons of water and possibly more. 

Scriptures: Genesis 24:15-20
15 And it happened, before he had finished speaking, that behold, Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. 16 Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no man had known her. And she went down to the well, filled her pitcher, and came up. 17 And the servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me drink a little water from your pitcher.”
18 So she said, “Drink, my lord.” Then she quickly let her pitcher down to her hand, and gave him a drink. 19 And when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.” 20 Then she quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough, ran back to the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels.

1.  Quickly let her pitcher down for Eleazar when he asked for a drink
2. She offered water for the camels without being asked
3. Draw water until all ten camels finished drinking ( I like how it says finished drinking not that she just drew water for the camels)
4. Quickly emptied her pitcher to get water for the camels
5. Ran (didn't walk) back to draw water for the camels

Application:  The spiritual application for me is to draw from the Living Well, Jesus. He says if we draw water from him, we will never thirst again.  Many times throughout the day, I read and meditate on God's word.  Without God's living word, I do not have anything to give others.  Also, the evening time is when I am most tired but looking at Rebekah God give me hope that the Lord will give us the energy we need to be a servant to our husband, children and others.  I enjoyed seeing the picture of Rebekah running Running to serve not only family but strangers in the evening after all her chores throughout the day.

Prayer: Lord, may I run eagerly to serve the people you have put in my life because in doing so I am serving you. May my serving always come after drawing living water from you.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Women as Pillars and Cornerstones Fashioned for a Palace

After reading today's reading in Proverbs 31:14 and Proverbs 9:1-2, I was reminded of Proverbs 144:12 which says "Let our sons in their youth be as grown-up plants, And our daughters as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace. We are corner pillars (or cornerstones) fashioned as for a palace."

  Likewise, many scriptures have been coming to me about how we are a royal priesthood. For example, 1 Peter 2:9 says "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." I have read this many times before but lately these scriptures have been coming to me to show me our royalty in God's Kingdom.

My part is to declare the praises of God who called me out of darkness into His wonderful light. Whenever I think of seeking first His Kingdom, I am reminded that it is not just my time with the Lord in the morning. It is my praises all day long. Many times, my willingness to work hard for God or to work hard in the house is frustrated as it is about me and what I accomplished rather than who God is and what He has accomplished.

Pillars are important. Pillars help support the roof from caving in. Pillars provide support. God doesn't just say pillars though. He says pillars FASHIONED for a palace. When I think of fashioned. I may need to be cut, sanded, carved by the Master hands for His purposes.

Scriptures from Today's Proverbs 31 Study:
Proverbs 31:14 -She is like the merchants' ships; she brings her food from afar.
Proverbs 9:1-2-Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. 2 She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table.

1. There are 7 pillars hewn (I did a posting on the 7 pillars of wisdom on May 21, 2012 so you can read more there)
2.  We can not build a house without God's wisdom or in our strength
3. Steps of preparation, mixing and setting (a table)

1. I am a pillar made for God's royal palace
2. To follow Godly wisdom and not demonic or worldly wisdom in what i am to accomplish in a day

Prayer:   Lord, I could look accomplished from the world's wisdom or from others but I want to lay down any praises of men. I want to praise you. My job is to declare your praises of you who took me out of darkness and into your marvelous light. Thank you that you are making all the preparations. Thank you that you are mixing in me the qualities that only come from you so that I may sit at your forever table and feast with you. Lord, may your Kingdom reign here on earth, in our earthly tent body and this earthly physical home. May your spiritual realities of the physical realities open my eyes anew to you. Praise you for your goodness and your finished work on the cross.May I continue to meditate on royal priesthood, pillars hewn out to be made for a palace, chosen people and holy nation. Your promises are true. In Jesus' name be glorified.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Willingly and Eagerly Working Unto the Lord In My Home

Many times, I have cleaned the house and then it seemed messy within an hour. I have been upset that others  didn’t notice the work I did.  When I worked outside the home, I felt I accomplish something because things looked finished. I sometimes fail to sit back, look and see how the blessings God has given while being at home. I forgot at times that my identity is in Christ not in what I accomplish.  I must admit I like “mind” work more than physical work. For the majority of my life, I was in school. I was trained to be a lawyer. My mind likes to think, ask questions, learn, read. I do not like routine tasks.  I don’t mind certain aspects of housework but I don’t like laundry
Today, when I did my daily tasks it was a joy. My three year old dried all the dishes from the dirty refrigerator that we cleaned. He enjoyed drying and putting the containers all in order. He had a system down that I never taught him. He worked eagerly and willingly. Seeing his example in wanting to help and doing it so orderly encouraged me. We listened to hymns and songs as we worked. Sometimes we talked. Sometimes we listed to the music. Sometimes we worked in silence. We accomplished more than was on my list and it was a joy. We even had time for homeschool, to make banana bread, do a science experiment, and read the Bible all before 1:00 pm. This  hardly ever happens. Working willingly and eagerly onto the Lord made a big difference in our home today. Today the routine, ordinary tasks became extraordinary as I did them onto the Lord and with my son.
Proverbs 31:13 – She seeks wools and flax and willingly and eagerly works with her hands
Colossians 3:23 – And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men (v. 24 – knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ)
1.      She works with her hands
2.      Everything we do is for the Lord (not for husband, children, others)’’
3.      She works willingly (eagerly)
1.      Whatever work I do, I am to do it as to the Lord with a willing heart not under compulsion (have to, should)
2.      If everything I do is as to the Lord, my expectation will not come from others but from the Lord.
Lord, thank you that you have given me hands to work. Thank you that I had so much fun with my son today as we worked willingly today as unto you. Thank you that you see everything. You notice everything. Lord I pray for your power and strength to keep doing everything willingly and for you. May I rest and enjoy the blessing of my husband when he comes home from work tonight.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Goodness as God's Fruit

Many times I have believed that I am the one to do the good for my husband. We as women may think that in order to be a good Christian wife, I have to do a number of things to be considered "good". I have believed subtle lies over and over about how I am to be a good wife. Hopefully one day, I will take the time to write down those lies. I know God's word says that goodness is a fruit of the holy spirit. We can not produce goodness. Many of the "good things" like making healthy meals or keeping a well ordered house have not been the goodness that God speaks about. Those things are not bad in themselves but they do not make us good to our husband. They should flow out of us but they do not make us good. It is not Jesus' way + me doing all these Godly things for my husband that makes me good. I want my husband to see God and follow his ways. I want to be his helpmeet.   If I try to do good things and believe they make me a good wife, I may be turning my husband's heard after other gods (the gods of this world that say God's word is not sufficient).  The end result brings death and I am too tired for my husband. The Cross of Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit produce the only goodness in me that I can give to my husband.
Proverbs 31:12 – She does Him Good and not evil all the days of her life
1 Kings 11:4
For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David.

1. We are meant for good to our husband just as God said in the beginning it is not good for man to be alone.
2. Solomon gave his strength to women (which was what Proverbs 31:3 said not to do).
3. Women/Wives hold great power of persuasion and appeal to get man to follow own ungodly ways rather than God’s way as men want to be respected.
4. I am to remain with husband “all the days of my life”

1.       One of the biggest evils we can do is cause husband to commit spiritual adultery by bringing in our own ideas, agenda, ways, modern thoughts and mixing it with “Christianity”
2.      The good I am to do my husband comes from God’s sanctification within me.  All character traits of God flows from His goodness. God says goodness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that comes from him. There isn’t anything we can do to produce goodness.

Prayer: Just as I was saved by faith through grace, my sanctification is also through grace. Reading your word and meditating on your word as I go about my daily puts my mind on things above rather than things below.  I confess that I have tried to be a good wife and do all the things and many times I think I am doing them in your strength and power as I believe and trust in you. Recently, I have been seeing that I have started to believe a lie and act on that lie. The lie is that I need you Jesus + doing of works (spiritual disciplines and being godly wife and mother). Lord, please forgive me for relying on anything other than the cross of Christ in my sanctification. You are the one changing me. My disciplines and doing “good” to my husband does not sanctify me.  I just want to spend time loving you, praising you and thanking you and out of the overflow spend time with my husband loving him, praising him and thanking him.                                                                                                                       


At Times, I am so Focused on Being a Blessing That I Fail TO SEE I am Blessed

As I read Passionate Homemaking’s blog entry on Blessing of my husband, my heart was stirred to write a similar entry.  I have been studying Proverbs 31 for the last couple of weeks and  I have been thinking about how I am to be a blessing to my husband so he will have no lack of gain. Sometimes, I get so focused on doing and so focused on being a blessing that I fail to see how I am blessed. I am so focused on doing and trying to be a Proverbs 31 woman that I forget to abide in Jesus and let Him live through me. I forget to celebrate, sing, enjoy, feel the wind brushing my cheek, feel the sunshine warming me, the touch of my husband, the hand of my child reaching for hand, to laugh at the cute little comment my three year old makes, the smile of my Mother on her porch next door, a look in someone’s eyes that shows me they just need a hug and just how beautiful everything is around me. I fail to see God’s smiling face through His many blessings.
Sometimes, I think having dinner for my husband or serving Him is showing him love. Many times, he just wants to hold my hand, sit together or hug. The very thing that would bless him, I do not do. I failed to see those times as a blessing to me.  Likewise, with my Father God, I want to read His Word, sing to Him, teach my son about Him and many times He just wants me to sit with Him and be with Him.
How is my Husband a blessing to me? Let me count the ways:
1.       He still writes me poems after 17 years (almost 11 years of marriage and 6 years of dating)
2.       He talks with me about everything in his life (even small details at work or little things he may want to purchase)
3.       He wants to do everything as a family (he does not demand alone time or time with the “guys”. He prefers us)
4.       He enjoys camping and family time rather than TV or sports
5.       He finds great finds or free things to bless us
6.       He will pick me up my favorite gum or a gluten free tree just to surprise me
7.       He makes homemade cards for me
8.       He writes me songs
9.       He sends me little love notes on e-mail when he is at work
10.   He calls me beautiful always
11.   He can’t wait to see me at the end of the day
12.   He always says I love you (many times throughout day – when he wakes up, comes up, calls me from work)
13.   He desires to be with me
14.   He can’t get enough of me
15.   He is passionate and creative about life
16.   He is funny
17.   He has the best smile (smirk) and his whole face lights up
18.   When he does something, he does it right and well
19.   He is a good father – playing hockey, taking him to building projects every Saturday, sharing God. He is never too busy to be a Daddy
20.   He is always home for dinner. He always calls to say what time. He is thoughtful.
21.   He does not overwork
22.   He loves helping others
The list could go on and on. I pray that I will just be with him this week and forget about thinking about me and how I can bless him. I pray that God will shine through me to my husband and I just enjoy sitting with him, feeling his hand in my hand, smiling at him, hugging him and just being with him.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Trusting in our own Abilities and Other Peoples' Abilities or Trusting in God

Proverbs 28:25 - An arrogant (a proud) man stirs up strife, But he who trusts in the LORD will prosper

Proverbs 16:20 - He who gives attention to the word (heeds the word) will find good, And blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.

Proverbs 29:25 - The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.

1.  We are not to be guided by our own self, own reasoning, and own mind
2. We are not to be guided what others thinks of us (fear of man)
3. We are to heed God's word and trust Him
4. If we trust God, we are blessed, will prosper and will be safe.


In today's reading, I saw something as an answer with what I have been struggling with. My struggle is the tension between being diligent v. lazy, asking questions v. going with everyone else, listening to what I hear v. what others say. I have always believed everything depends on me. If someone needs help, I need to help them. If there is work to be done, I need to do it. If something happens, I feel an over sense of responsibility at times.  

In looking over comments from others during the Proverbs 31 study, I noticed some women might want to just give up as the Proverbs 31 is not attainable. Others think that we improve but will never be perfected until we see Jesus so this applies to the Proverbs 31 woman. I believe God would not have said it is possible if it is not possible. Also will God all things are possible. Our part is to trust Him and heed His Word (do what it says).  The flesh would like us to believe that it is hopeless. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. As a man, he lived dependent upon the Lord and gave us hope that in the Lord all things are possible that God says we are to be in His Word.

 As I read the three scriptures for today's reading, I saw that if I am arrogant and proud and think that I am the one that has to do it all.The other is that we just rely on others say because we have a fear of what man thinks. Therefore, we just go with the crowd. The balance between just relying on self or just relying on others is heeding God's word and trusting God. My part is to heed God's word.

Proverbs 28:26 - he who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered. Proverbs 16:21 - The wise in heart will be called prudent and sweetness of the lips increases learning.
Proverbs 29:26 - many seek the ruler's favor but justice for man comes from the Lord.

Again, we these verses that come right after the verses for today's reading have the same format. First, we should not trust in our own heart. Second, we are not to just seek the ruler's favor (or others) as this is the "fear of man" of what they think of us. We are to trust God, be wise in heart and prudent (His wisdom begins with a fear of God.

Lord, thank you that you have given us all things we need for this life and godliness. We thank you that you tell us not to trust in our own heart or to trust in what others' think but to trust in you. We have your word and you living within us.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is My Home a Home of Order, Chaos or In Between?

Scripture: Proverbs 31:11 “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.”

Amplified Version says: The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely, so that he has no lack of [honest] gain or need of [dishonest] spoil.

1. husband trusts wife confidently/has full confidence
2. husband relies on wife
3. husband believes in wife securely
4. husbands' needs are met

confidence - the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone; firm trust. The state of feeling certain about the truth of something.

trust - firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something. An assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something

Application: The area  that I  thought I needed to rely on God is with my emotions. As stared in the Proverbs 31 E-Book, the question under emotions was "Can your husband trust you to be self-controlled when under pressure"? There are times under extreme pressure that I lose it. I say things I shouldn't say and I always talk to much. Where there is abundance of words, sin usually follows. I believed I need self control which is a fruit of the spirit for my emotions and tongue.

     When I asked my husband, however, he felt the area that needed work was the home - "Can your husband safely trust you to run an orderly home?" This is touchy for me because I really try hard to maintain order. I definitely have a clean house most of the time but I do struggle to maintain physical order. My husband hoards and I have too many books and papers. I have simplified and given away many household items but we still have too much and not enough space saving devices or shelves for organizing. I start too many things at once. My brain goes off in a hundred directions and it is not always natural for me to finish one thing and put it all away. I let it add up at times and then do it all at once at the end of the day. When I cook, I don't wash each item first. I concentrate on cooking. Sometimes I use too many spoons.  When I have tried to do things as my husband instructed like wash dishes while you cook and when you use something put it away immediately.

   I would like to blame my husband and just say, he needs to get rid of things, help find "homes" for our belongings and build some shelves, but I know I need to take responsibility where I can. The house is the area that I do grumble about the most and it is the area that I feel I spend the most time. I feel no matter how hard I try, I can't keep it as nice as I would like and so when I hear any comment from my husband, it sets me off. I am not confident in this and my emotions are shaken when I feel I am not doing a good enough job.

   I created a household notebook with important numbers, cleaning schedules and other documents. I try to keep to a cleaning schedule but do notice instead of doing the 1-2 things on list, I try to tackle the whole house everyday.

One day, I came across an article that says it is disrespectful to not have a place for everything and everything in its place. It is disrespectful because people spend time trying to find an item that the whole family uses. I am guilty of this. I get in a rush and fail to put mail in our desk slot. Homeschooling papers and art projects for preschool are not put in the binder. Occasionally, a library book does not stay on the shelf or in the bag that I designated for library returns.
Can my husband concentrate on his work? Am I meeting His needs? Does he feel loved and secure?

Ultimately, we humans need order physically and spiritually. Our God is a God of Order. He took the chaos and he made order. The first thing God did was make light. I need His light and hope that I can have order in the home so that peace reigns rather than chaos. There have been many improvements in this area over the last few months and I have been hopeful. However, I know I still need to maintain order and not just do it once or twice or many times.  It has always fascinated me that when God created the world, day one corresponds to day 5, day 2 corresponds to day 6 and day 3 corresponds to day 7.

Day 1 - Light                                      Day 5 - Sun, Moon, Stars
Day 2 - sky/water - divided               Day 6 - fish and birds
Day 3 - Land                                     Day 7 - living creatures to
                                                            live on earth- beast, cattle, man

God put the structure in place such as light, sky/water, land and then he put what belonged in those structures.

The area that my husband needs to trust me is that he can find bills, letters, household items when he needs them. This sense of order will relieve his mind of some worries. I also need this order. My son needs this order so that our time together throughout the day will be free of worrying about "any mess".

Our home is probably somewhere in the middle. There is a lot of order but there is also chaos.  I really don't want to stay in the middle/in between. I truly want God's order. 

My emotions and lack of self control at times and the lack of order in the home at times are actually very closely linked. My mind is sometimes too cluttered and my house at times is too cluttered. I thrive on complexity at times rather than simplicity. I don't have a sound mind at times because I read too many books at once, I do too many devotionals at once, I have so many journals started at once, I have too many art projects. Basically, I do too much. With the house, I start too many things as well. I would like to say "well this is just me." I would like to say "this is how i learn." Basically, the brain and the home may only be able to take in so much at a time. I thought it was limitless. However, I think too much. I ask a lot of questions. One time, I heard God say "Melinda, you are my curious child." He called me curious not "over thinker, rebellious, unruly." God is well pleased with me. On the other hand, I know i think on things that are too weighty for me. I try to take on the "weight" of many things. I have been called to a season of rest and a season of celebration and joy.

Prayer:  Thank you God that you speak through your Word and your Son, Jesus. Thank you that with you all things are possible. I know many times, I feel hopeless over the state of the house. I don't want to go around all day saying this house is messy. Sometimes, I just want to escape and stay away from the house as I tire easily of doing the same things. I still don't have a great structure for where everything belongs. Please forgive me for my hopelessness. Step by step, I pray I will take the time to put things back when I am using something so that I don't have things accumulate. May I take the few extra minutes to finish up one thing before going to the next. Lord, thank you that you have not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a SOUND MIND. I claim this sound mind and will walk as you direct my steps.  Lord, may I do everything to your glory. May i rest in you, celebrate and take joy in each step of creating order in the house. Let me see afresh your order.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Am I a "GOOD" Helpmeet to my Husband?

My husband has told me many times that he chose me to be his wife because I was "good" for him. For the first seven years of the ten years of our marriage, I was upset that he chose me because I was "good" rather than possibly being madly in love with me.  Today's reading from God's Word actually says he who finds a wife finds a "good thing" and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). We are to bring "good" to our husband all the days of their life.

After ten almost eleven years,  it is encouraging to hear my husband praise me that I am  a good, godly wife for him. He shares often that he is blessed by me and that I am a gift from God.  As my husband has grown in the Lord, he knows that I am a gift from the Lord not from his own "choosing".  I believe I slip from being "good" for him to harmful" when I take my eyes off Jesus and expect things from my husband that the Lord wants to fill in his own way and time.  I see now that I am to be a gift from the Lord and to bring my husband good. We have learned and grown from one another through many tough times. Many would think we are an unlikely pair but our God has continued His faithfulness to bring us to one mind, one heart and one accord in Him for His Glory.

Proverbs 18:22 - He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.

Proverbs 19:14 - House and riches are the inheritance from fathers but a wise, understanding and prudent wife is from the Lord.

1.  A wife is a good gift from the Lord
2. God shows his goodness and favor when he gives a good wife
3. A good wife is to be wise
4. A good wife is to be understanding
5.  A good wife is to be prudent
6.  A wise, understanding, and prudent wife is not passed down from parents but given by the Lord

prudent - wise in handling practical matters, exercising good judgment, careful about one's conduct.

ezer - help; kenegdo - meet
The Hebrew expression ezer kenegdo appears, meaning "one who is the same as the other and who surrounds, protects, aids, helps, supports."

Application: I have read in God's word today that I am to behave well toward husband in the way I conduct myself with prudence, wisely manage the household, be understanding in my conduct as I raise our son for the Lord and be a Godly wife.  I have sometimes been an opponent rather than a good helpmeet to my husband. Many times, I have wanted to be right or express my opinion rather than exercising good judgment/prudence in what I am speaking and how I am speaking it.  Many times, I have just wanted my husband to change that moment rather than waiting on the Lord. I have expected from my husband rather than what Psalm 62:5 says which is "My soul waits in silence for God only. For my expectation is from Him." I continue to talk, tell my side, have my "court case" written out and argued as I continue to strive to have expectations met by my husband. The Lord has brought Psalm 62:5 to me many times.

In order to be a wise, understanding and prudent wife, God is teaching me to wait on Him and to have my expectations met my him. The words from the great hymn Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus say
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Moment by moment, God's grace turns my eyes to him so that he makes me and molds me into the good helpmeet I am to be to my husband.  If I am a gift from God to my husband, then I need to look to Him for my strength, wisdom, understanding and direction on prudence.

Father, the giver of every good and perfect gift, I thank you that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. Your word stands as true. Thank you that in order to be wise, understanding and prudent, I need to rely on you and do what you say. I am sorry for the times that I have expected from my husband rather than you. I am sorry that I had bitter envy and selfishness when I didn't get my way. Please forgive me for not trusting in your goodness but demanding and striving to accomplish what I think is best. Thank you that you have continued to direct my path to be a good helpmeet to my husband. I thank you that my husband found me and sees me as a treasure and a good gift from you. I thank you that I can rest in my husband choosing me because he saw your goodness and He now gives you the glory for giving me as a good wife to him. Lord, thank you for all the grace and forgiveness for the many times I have not been a good helpmeet. Thank you that you put those times under the blood of Jesus and remember them no more.  Thank you that you continue to grow me in the soil of your goodness and godliness. Praise you from whom all blessings flow.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Proverbs 31 (Week 2)


As I continue to study Proverbs 31, I am thinking more and more about excellent speech that glories God. I want my words like King Lemuel's mother to sink deep down into my son's heart and bring life. I want them to sink down into my heart and show Jesus to a others who do not know Him. I don't want my words to just be instructions or routine words. I need God's inspired word to bring life. As I read today's scripture Proverbs 31:10, I was reminded that the fear of the Lord brings wisdom. As I respect and I am in awe of Jesus, I want to do what His Word says. In the past as I studied wisdom, I was struck by Proverb 14:1 about a wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tears down her house with her own hands. In the application section of today's verse I address this question I had to God "How do I build and not tear down?"

Scripture: Proverbs 31:10
Amplified Version: 10 A capable, intelligent, and [b]virtuous woman—who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.

1.      God made us to be capable to the tasks he sets before us
2.      God gave us intelligence and wisdom to do what he wants us to do as a wife.
3.      God gives us the virtues of Himself to bring Him Glory in our marriage.
4.      God calls us virtuous women more precious than jewels and thus we will be to our husbands as well. 
5.      God values us and we are to be valued more than rubies (or pearls

Today as I read Proverbs 31:10, I was reminded that a wise woman builds her house but a foolish woman tears it down.  Proverbs 14:1 says that a wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. Likewise, Proverbs 9:1 says "wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out the seven pillars." I have been asking God "How does a wise woman build her house rather than tear it down?" I once came across something about the seven pillars that I have continued to think about. This study reminds me of the seven pillars as they apply to noble, virtuous character.

The seven qualities mentioned were what were found in the Beatitude (which I always like they are attitudes we are to be) and wisdom which is from above found in James (rather than demonic wisdom).

Matthew 5:3-10
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The Qualities in the Beatitudes/Sermon on the Mount are:
1. Pure in Heart
2. Peacemakers
3. Meek
4. Poor in Spirit
5. Merciful
6. Hunger and thirst for righteousness
7. Mourn

Heavenly Versus Demonic Wisdom - James 3:13-18

13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
The Qualities in James 3:13-18 are:
1. Pure
2. Peaceable
3. Gentle
4. Willing to yield
5. Full of mercy and good fruits (good fruits could also go with 6 to correspond to above Sermon on the Mount)
6. Without partiality
7. Without hypocrisy

The definition of noble is possessing outstanding qualities and I believe the above seven are within that definition. Also virtuous can also mean righteous . God has been showing me in His word how to build a home that lasts. It is a home built on His wisdom and not my own reasoning or demonic wisdom which is from below.

Scripture: Proverbs 12:1A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

Observation: Proverbs 31:10 mentioned jewels and rubies and this scripture mentions crown. Both are symbols of royalty.

Application: to bring life and richness to husband rather than decay. God has been showing me how to defer to my husband to make him shine rather than take center stage.

Prayer: Lord, I pray I glorify you as I go about many ordinary tasks in my home. May I do everything as onto you. May I do it all with praise and thanksgiving. Make me a crown for my husband to wear. Thank you Jesus for giving me a new heart to know your word and to have power to obey. I pray my home is not a place of bitter envy or self seeking which is demonic wisdom. May I with your power and strength hew out the seven pillars of your wisdom as I stand in awe of you.

Proverbs 31 - Week 1

I have decided to do my first online Bible study with women I do not know. For many years, I did study after study at my church or in my home. My husband I because Small Group leaders and led groups for a few years. I did studies with friends and my Mom and Sister. Since having my son, I have been reconsidering what God wants me to do. In the last two years, I have done most studies alone and occasionally talk with my Mom or husband about what God is doing in my life.

I first became aware of the online Bible studies when the group was doing Mission of Motherhood which I wanted to do but it was almost over. I do have the book and it is wonderful. Proverbs 31 really stood out to me as my husband and I are raising our son for the Lord. We have prayed for his wife since he was born. We want to teach him and I want to model for him what a wife from the Lord looks like.

I have included the first week's scriptures and my brief observations, applications and prayer from our SOAP method of Bible study.

Goals for this Study: not just know Proverbs 31 but for God to make me more like Proverbs 31 woman
2.To model Proverbs 31 for my son so he knows what to look for in a wife
3.To pass down a heritage to son
4.To bless my husband daily
5.I have struggled at times in relationships because I end up taking care of people and become more like a mentor and counselor rather than just a friend. I would like someone to just fellowship with and share prayers, laughs, thoughts.
6. To stay on a house management schedule (stay organized) so that I am focusing on Jesus and what the Holy Spirit is guiding me to do in each moment with my son and for others rather than focusing on what I need to get done because things are disorganized. I want to use time wisely for God's glory.

Scripture: Proverbs 31:1-2
The sayings of King Lemuel—an inspired utterance his mother taught him.
 Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb! Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers! (son of my vows)
1.      What King Lemuel’s mother spoke was INSPIRED
2.      Mother’s name not mentioned (nameless here)
3.      Told son to listen three times (this is important)
4.      Son from body and also son from prayers and vows of marriage and to God
1.      The words I speak should be prayed about first and directed by God
2.      Words are to bring life
Father, thank you that you provide all we need. You are the great Shepherd. I pray that the meditations of my heart and the words I speak would bring you glory. Father, may I have wisdom when I speak to my son. May my words be inspired by you and passed onto Nehemiah.

Scripture: Proverbs 31:3-4
Do not spend your strength[a] on women,
    your vigor on those who ruin kings.
It is not for kings, Lemuel—
    it is not for kings to drink wine,
    not for rulers to crave beer,
1.      Strength and vigor  are not to be given away recklessly
2.      Reminds me of Samson whom God gave extra strength to for a purpose – defeat Philistines and then Samson falls in love and tells the secret of his strength (which was in his hair). He was captured by the enemies. (God’s story doesn’t end there though. Samson prays for strength again at the end and God grants it. Samson brings down the whole building on His enemies)
3.      It says women not woman

1.      Use discernment in how you use strength and vigor
2.      Model for son that God made him first for Himself and then one day for one woman, His wife
3.      Share with son to crave God not women or drink
Jesus, Thank you that you give us power to obey you. We don’t have strength in ourselves but you strengthen us. May we not crave anyone or anything but you. Lord, I pray that you would teach me and guide me to be the wife and mother you want me to be. May I model and pass down to my son a legacy of relying on you as my strength.  Thank you that you are molding my young son into a Godly seed after your own heart. May he never give his strength to women. Save him for one precious lady. May he lead by your real love and not just emotions. We pray for wisdom, discernment and understanding as he grows and chooses a wife. Thank you that you direct our steps.

Scripture: Proverbs 31:5-6
lest they drink and forget what has been decreed,
    and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.
Let beer be for those who are perishing,
    wine for those who are in anguish!
1.      Drinking can make you forget and then deprive others of things
2.      Beer and wine’s purpose here is for those dying and in anguish

 ****Didn't have much to write for this one but praying my son will stay away from drink, beer and wine.****

Scripture: Proverbs 31:7-9
Let them drink and forget their poverty
    and remember their misery no more.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy.
1.      Alcohol has specific purposes – forget poverty and misery among others
2.      We are to judge fairly when we speak up (speak up, judge, defend)
1.      We are to have a voice who can’t speak for themselves  (sometimes deaf, children, people with no voice, ill, among many others)
2.      We are to speak up for the destitute, poor and needy( I think this includes physical poor but also spiritual poor)
     I pray you use my all for you and for people who are oppressed. May you lead me to those who don't know you. May I have my sandals of peace on always and carry your good news to those poor in spirit.