Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Loving the Word

We are not a perfect family and we have our share of family struggles. We are in a time of waiting and a time of truly relying on God as we have faced two miscarriages and two long term periods of unemployment that have eaten up our savings. We are rich in faith and. my prayer is for my family to crave Jesus more than anything. We are not sufficient of ourselves, we need Jesus and we thank Him for His Word to direct us in the way in which we should go.

Psalm 119:105 - Your Word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path.

The love of reading possibly made it easy for me to love God's word. His Word is living and every time I read it, I learn more of Him, myself, His world and everything I need to know. The fruit of God's word being sown in me is reaping blessings of joy, praise, love, and kindness.

 I thank God for putting the love of God's Word in my heart. My son loves God's word. If I have anything I want to pass on, it is the love of God's Word, God Himself who is the living Word as he speaks to us through his love letters.

God has put His implanted word in my heart and it has blossomed into His riches of knowing Him. His Word has been a lamp and a light to guide our path as a family. Early on in parenthood, we were directed as to training up our child by having intentional family devotionals daily after dinner which include singing, reading from the Bible or a Bible story book and praying together as a family. We are learning and memorizing hymns and Bible verses. I find myself singing spontaneously. This is God's change in me. I use to just want the Sermon or the information but now I just glory in God as I sing and dance with JOY at Church and at home. Before having our son, we studied and read the Word but now we are more intentional because we have a legacy to pass on. We want our son to know the great things God has done and continues to do. 

Sometimes throughout our days, Nehemiah and I do crafts based on what we are learning in our family devotions. One site I use is: http://www.daniellesplace.com/html/bible_lessons.html.  I also have a book we picked at a yard sale for 10cents (God is certainly a great provider of what we need). This book has learning crafts we do to reinforce Bible lessons.  We also do a preschool curriculum based on God's word. In all we learn whether science, math, history, alphabet, or crafts, we want Nehemiah to know Jesus as the one sure foundation and to see everything through Jesus.

God through His Word and speaking to my heart has reminded me of family Worship time over and over when we forget or have company or eat out and are not home at our table. He always brings me back to the heart of worship. Our son, Nehemiah now calls it "church time". He knows Church isn't just for Sunday. Our home is an altar for the Lord.

In addition to God Himself speaking through His Word and His voice to my heart, he has brought books to me that were in align with His desires for our family. He also brought a pastor from Conklin, New York who did a sermon on Family Worship time. Again, it was in alignment with what God spoke into our hearts. The Family Altar/Worship/Devotional time evolves into other ideas of learning and enjoying but most important we have God's Word as our basis that never changes.

I pray God's Word implants in your heart. He desires time with you and may we pass on this one true love. Of course, reading God's word takes precedence but if you have time and want to see other resources, I have provided a partial list below.

Some of the Resources about aspects you can incorporate into Family Worship like Bible verses, Hymns/Songs, Catechism, Devotional stories, Bible Reading Plans
1. Training Children by Gustava M. Wonderly
2. Family Worship CD's by Dan White
3. The Family Worship Book by Terry L. Johnson (we had already implemented these aspects of Family Worship time before seeing this book but I think it is still helpful for those wanting to learn about Family Devotions as it lays out plans for you to follow)
4. God's Grand Vision for the Home by Dr. Rob Rienow
5. We use a book called My ABC Bible Verses by Susan Hunt
6. Training Hearts Teaching Minds by Starr Meade
7. Big Truths for Little minds by Susan Hunt
8. ABC I BELIEVE curriculum online

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