Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Loving the Word

We are not a perfect family and we have our share of family struggles. We are in a time of waiting and a time of truly relying on God as we have faced two miscarriages and two long term periods of unemployment that have eaten up our savings. We are rich in faith and. my prayer is for my family to crave Jesus more than anything. We are not sufficient of ourselves, we need Jesus and we thank Him for His Word to direct us in the way in which we should go.

Psalm 119:105 - Your Word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path.

The love of reading possibly made it easy for me to love God's word. His Word is living and every time I read it, I learn more of Him, myself, His world and everything I need to know. The fruit of God's word being sown in me is reaping blessings of joy, praise, love, and kindness.

 I thank God for putting the love of God's Word in my heart. My son loves God's word. If I have anything I want to pass on, it is the love of God's Word, God Himself who is the living Word as he speaks to us through his love letters.

God has put His implanted word in my heart and it has blossomed into His riches of knowing Him. His Word has been a lamp and a light to guide our path as a family. Early on in parenthood, we were directed as to training up our child by having intentional family devotionals daily after dinner which include singing, reading from the Bible or a Bible story book and praying together as a family. We are learning and memorizing hymns and Bible verses. I find myself singing spontaneously. This is God's change in me. I use to just want the Sermon or the information but now I just glory in God as I sing and dance with JOY at Church and at home. Before having our son, we studied and read the Word but now we are more intentional because we have a legacy to pass on. We want our son to know the great things God has done and continues to do. 

Sometimes throughout our days, Nehemiah and I do crafts based on what we are learning in our family devotions. One site I use is: http://www.daniellesplace.com/html/bible_lessons.html.  I also have a book we picked at a yard sale for 10cents (God is certainly a great provider of what we need). This book has learning crafts we do to reinforce Bible lessons.  We also do a preschool curriculum based on God's word. In all we learn whether science, math, history, alphabet, or crafts, we want Nehemiah to know Jesus as the one sure foundation and to see everything through Jesus.

God through His Word and speaking to my heart has reminded me of family Worship time over and over when we forget or have company or eat out and are not home at our table. He always brings me back to the heart of worship. Our son, Nehemiah now calls it "church time". He knows Church isn't just for Sunday. Our home is an altar for the Lord.

In addition to God Himself speaking through His Word and His voice to my heart, he has brought books to me that were in align with His desires for our family. He also brought a pastor from Conklin, New York who did a sermon on Family Worship time. Again, it was in alignment with what God spoke into our hearts. The Family Altar/Worship/Devotional time evolves into other ideas of learning and enjoying but most important we have God's Word as our basis that never changes.

I pray God's Word implants in your heart. He desires time with you and may we pass on this one true love. Of course, reading God's word takes precedence but if you have time and want to see other resources, I have provided a partial list below.

Some of the Resources about aspects you can incorporate into Family Worship like Bible verses, Hymns/Songs, Catechism, Devotional stories, Bible Reading Plans
1. Training Children by Gustava M. Wonderly
2. Family Worship CD's by Dan White
3. The Family Worship Book by Terry L. Johnson (we had already implemented these aspects of Family Worship time before seeing this book but I think it is still helpful for those wanting to learn about Family Devotions as it lays out plans for you to follow)
4. God's Grand Vision for the Home by Dr. Rob Rienow
5. We use a book called My ABC Bible Verses by Susan Hunt
6. Training Hearts Teaching Minds by Starr Meade
7. Big Truths for Little minds by Susan Hunt
8. ABC I BELIEVE curriculum online

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dates with your Spouse

Valentines’ Day is approaching. Many times, I write, journal, do facebook updates or blog about motherhood . God, however, tells us that after God, our husbands are suppose to have second place in our hearts and then our children.  Therefore, I am writing a list of some of the things my husband and like to do on dates. We use to have date night every Friday. Now, we have dates at home, have family dates or get out occasionally for a couple date.
Date Ideas
-          We create our own drive in outside (set up projector outside against garage)
-          Go for a walk and feed the ducks and geese at the river (we do this as a couple and on family dates)
-          Study God’s word together
-          Read a book together
-          Scrapbook memories
-          Go to the local bookstore/coffee shop, each person picks a couple of books and comes back to the table and shares with each other what they chose. One time, my husband and I sat in the romance aisle looking for a good book together
-          Go to a planetarium show at the Roberson
-          Go to Kopernik and star gaze (great date)
-          We take walks across the downtown bridge at night
-          Write notes to family members and friends together
-          Sit at the computer and look at all of our old photos
-          Walk down Memory Lane: go to places where you first had dates. For Us, we have memories of Denny’s, nature preserve at Binghamton University, walks from BU to Walmart, inline skating.
-          Picnics in the living room
-          Bike rides
-          Watch a sunset
-          We love First Friday (downtown Binghamton)
-          We make garbage pie/everything pizza or barbecue chicken pizza from scratch
-          Paint a piece of pottery. We did a nice butterfly together.
-          Make homemade cheesecake and iced coffee
-          Head to the highest point in town and enjoy the view and the stars at night
-          Write poems and read them to each other (my husband does this for me)
-          Foot rubs (ok my husband does this more than me)
-          Antique shops, garage sales or auctions
-          Basketball challenges
-          Go to a driving range
-          Pillow fight after a movie and popcorn
-          Get a pair of binoculars, head to finch hollow, take a long hike and look for birds
-          Go on a photo shoot
-          Make a time capsule and look at it in ten years
-          Pray, worship and sing to God together
-          Bake together
-          Go Carts on Front Street
-          Game it in Endicott, NY
-          Go to Dennys and ask for a vanilla coke (they are so good)
-          Bowling
-          Chucky Cheese without the children and you have to play the games
-          Cutler Garden on Front Street – take a stroll, look at the beautiful flowers in Spring/Summer and have a picnic in the Gazebo
-          Play board games
-          Pick berries and make jam/jelly together
-          Make snow angels and then go inside for hot chocolate
-          Scavenger hunts
-          Short day trips – we just love exploring the New York State area and finding new, fun things to do. We do this as a family now and not just the two of us.
-          Read joke books and laugh together (one of my husband’s favorite dates)
-          Paddle boats at Nathaniel Cole Park
-          Fly a kite (can even make a homemade kite together)
-   Windy Hill Candle Factory - Port Crane, NY (we like smelling all the candles - well I do anyway). They also have a candy store there now too.
- Whole in the Wall - great healthy food and music
There are so many creative ideas you can do to build a stronger relationship with your spouse. Feel free to share some ideas.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Passing on the Joy of Reading 2

    The last post was really informational so you knew what reading programs existed in our area.  I wanted to let you know that the libraries, in addition to weekly story time, rhyme, crafts and songs, also host special programs.  The Broome County Public Library has a special program coming up on February 11, 2012 from 10 am - 12:30 pm called Martha Speaks. Your children can engage in hands on activities, read with Bark-9 therapy dogs and at 12:00 pm enjoy a special screen of the PBS show, Martha Speaks! 

   We stopped by the Broome County Public Library last Monday, January 9, 2011 to return books, and we found out they were having a Senators Reading Program at 3:30.  We went home, picked up Daddy and went back to the library. I was amazed at the quality of the program. Two Senators arrived with Max, the mascot. They read a book, answered questions, signed autograps and talked with the little kids and us big kids.  The Library staff hosted by Mrs. Sarah provided a hockey skate craft for the children to color and lace up. Nehemiah had the hockey players sign his skate.  These programs are not something to take for granted. They are quality programs provided free of charge. It provides a great setting to make memories with your children and to get to know others in our community. 

    While we were at the library, we found a new resource, the Leap Frog tag system reader. It was great for our trip to Staten Island. Nehemiah listened to book after book and learned words as he used the tag reader.

The Bark program (separate from Martha Speaks program) occurs on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.  Nehemiah liked seeing all the dogs as he tried reading books.  We look forward to the Martha Speaks program.

   Nehemiah and I have attended lapsit story time at the Broome County Library before he could even walk. We look forward to the new program called Rhythm, Rhyme and Storytime that occurs on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m.  Ms. Michelle who does the lapsit story time is engaging and great with children. After the storytime and songs, the children have free play. Mothers get to know each other and children have other little children to play with.

   Nehemiah likes the library so much that he pretends to be a librarian. He sits at the computer terminal and says "I am a librarian. I help people find books."  When I was growing up, the closest library was about 15 minutes away (two towns from mine). They didn't have any programs or story time/crafts/songs as far as I know, but I was still happy for a small library. Growing up in Long Eddy, a small town nestled in the Castskill Mountain region, we didn't have all the programs our area here offers. I hear people throughout the Binghamton region complain about our area, but I really am impressed with this family friendly area. Our county, city and town officials doing a great job promoting the arts, education, literacy and fun for the whole family. We like to support these free and not free programs. There is so much to be grateful for and hope you get to participate in some of these events.

  We are enjoying our Cuddle Up and Read program. I hope I don't lose my voice as we already read 100 books within 4 days. We look forward to a challenge and hope to fill many more 100 book sheets.

  Yesterday, we read a book about igloos as Nehemiah has been wanting to build a real one. Since we don't have snow yet, we settled for a play doh igloo after we read our book.

  In the future, I hope to provide posts on things to do in our area on nature, education, fun, special programs.  As a family, we hope to provide a resource guide compilation of our area so if you are new to the area or new to be a parent or just have lived here a long time but don't know what there is that this would help. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Passing on the Joy of Reading

     My friend, Patty, has encouraged me to start a blog on all the local events/programs that I know about and participate in with my son. Although being a homemaker involves a big portion of my time at home with my son and husband, there is always time for enjoying the wonderful educational and family building events that our area provides.  Our area provides many exceptional free programs. We are grateful for the many resources and programs. This area is a great place to raise a family. Please read on and find something your family will enjoy doing together.

     Anyone who knows me knows that I really like reading.  My Mother passed on her joy of reading to me. As a child, I would devour book after book. My Mom said I read at 4 and I never stopped reading  Many times my Dad would ask "Where is Melinda?" and my Mom would reply "She is upstairs reading.".  My son, Nehemiah also loves reading. Many times, I pick out five books for bedtime reading and Nehemiah picks out about fifteen more.  We read in the morning, at meals or after meals, at snuggle time, nap time, bed time and throughout the day. 

    My son and I find many activities we can do once we read a book. Sometimes, we get the playdough out and make figures to go with the ones in the story we just read. Other times, we make paper puppets to put on a puppet show. I have also heard of story rocks and occassionally we try to paint a scene on a rock from our story.   We take chalk (inside on chalk board and outside on sidewalk) and draw scenes from a book.  We sometimes do experiments from a Curious George book. We paint and draw pictures of what we heard. We ask questions and make up our own stories based on stories we read.  Once after reading Moses and the buring bush, we blew paint with a straw to make it look like a bush on fire.  We make gingerbread cookies after we read Gingerbread Baby or Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett.  We have mittens we put on when we read the Mitten by Jan Brett.  We act and sing songs based on our books.  These are just some of the ideas we came up with but the options are endless. Using legos or blocks to build roads, scenes or animals from a book is another option. We also cook recipes based on certain books we read. (Hopefully in the future, I will list the books and provide the craft/activity we do. I also hope to provide a reading list.)

    The reason, I am writing about reading is that our Tri-Cities area is great at promoting literacy with our little ones. I would like to share some of the reading programs we are involved in as a family. Each of our libraries offers something unique (read below under libraries to find out more).  The List of Reading Programs below is just a quick inventory but as you continue to read the blog, you will find more information on each program and links for calendars, tally sheets and other information.

List of Reading Programs in the Binghamton, New York Area:

1.  Cuddle Up and Read Program - January 15, 2012 to March 31, 2012. Read 100 or more books and your child will be entered to win prizes. All show up at the Broome County Public Library on March 31, 2012 for a room full of hands on activities to participate with your child.  Go to this link http://www.uwbroome.org/ for a tally sheet or pick one up at the Broome County Public Library. We attended this last year and Nehemiah enjoyed all the sensory and educational activities. (This program occurs once a year)

2.  BOOKS Reading Program - earn prizes and gift certificates just by reading to your child.
http://www.booksprogram.com/events.asp  (This program occurs throughout the year. Visit the website for the form or to sign up).

3. LETS READ - a new community initiative as part of the Day of Caring.  Sponsors have started a lending library where you pick up a Lets Read Blue bag and can sign out books at places such as Discovery Center, Mall (outside of JC Penny) and other locations throughout Binghamton. You can return the books to any site.

4. Library Summer Reading Programs - starts usually around first week of July and ends second week in August.  Each member of the family earns a free book and a ticket to a METS game.  (This program is once a year in the Summer).

5.  Discovery Center - Tunes and Tales every Tuesday at 11 am.m.  They also have a book program each around around November.  In the summer, the outside story garden is loaded with books in each nook and cranny from mailboxes to houses and caves. Find a great place and read to your child.

6.  Family Reading Partnership of Owego-Apalachin 1st Annual Kids' Book Fest took place on November 19, 2011. Special guest included authors Suzanne Bloom, Katrina Morse and musician Johnny Only. The zoomobile was present. Children were able to participate in hands on activities from 10:00 to 4:00 such as finger painting, sponge painting, making homemake books, origami, puppets to go with certain books,puzzles, games, play with Melissa and Doug educational toys. Children were given many free coloring books, educational sheets, apples and much more. (I hope this program will occur next year).

7.  The Broome County Public Library has Lapsit Story time, Preschool Story time, and Family Story time. Nehemiah always enjoyed dancing to the songs and listening to the stories. A new program started which includes craft time on Third Thursday of the month.

8. Vestal Library has a Lapsit story time and craft and a preschool story time and craft. This requires registration.

9.  George F. Johnson Library has a toddler story time that includes stories, songs and crafts. The preschool story time includes stories, songs and puppets. They also have a special Mother Goose time from children age birth to two that is only twenty minutes long followed by juice/cookies and social time.

10.  Finch Hollow Nature Center has programs for a $1 a person. Many of their programs involve a book, craft and fun activities.  On March 8, 2012 there will be Jan Brett stories and a craft.

    The "Cuddle Up and Read" program started January 15, 2012. You can go to the link in the below article to obtain the tally sheet. The Broome County Library also has sheets in their childrens' section.  I encourage you to participate and enjoy these snuggle times with your children. Books promote creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills in addition to learning to read at a young age.

The “Cuddle Up and Read” Early Learning Reading Challenge encourages parents and caregivers to read with their children daily.  It is sponsored by Building Brighter Futures for Broome, a coalition of over 30 early childhood providers that promotes healthy children, effective parenting, and quality child care and education
lollowm@binghamtonschools.org to request a Reading Challenge Tally Sheet to track the number of books read, or get one online at


A Challenge Celebration for the “Cuddle Up and Read” program will be held on Saturday, March 31, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Broome County Library, 185 Court Street, in Binghamton. Participants in the program through age 5 who have read 100 or more books will be entered into drawings for prizes related to reading and literacy. There will also be “hands-on” activities for young children.
Contact Mary Ellen Lollie at 762-8197 or

For children to become strong readers, they need a literacy-rich environment which includes parents and caregivers who surround them at early age with books and read to them daily.  This sets the stage for school readiness and successful future learning.

     When I was growing up, the nearest library was 2 towns away. It was a very small library. I don't think they had any free programs either. I was grateful for it but we sure are blessed in this Tri-Cities area to have four libraries. In addition to these four main libraries, there are many other areas in our surrounding towns.

Broome County Public Library

     My sons' favorite parts of this library are friendly staff, many puzzles, computers with many educational games, the penny machine, and play mats and blocks. There are also many nooks you can just sit and have snuggle time with your child.  They just started a new craft program on the 3rd Thursday of each month.

Check out the link above to read about the following programs or to see updates:

Lapsit Story Time - Nursery rhymes and knee-bouncing songs are done and a story is read. Then it's play time! This provides a chance for children and caregivers to connect with one another. For children ages 0 to 3. Check the Library Calendar for dates.
Family Story Time - Bring the the whole family to enjoy this evening story time! For children ages birth through 6 years old. Check the Library Calendar for dates.
Preschool Story Time - Come enjoy some fun stories and songs! For children ages 4 to 6. Check the Library Calendar for dates.
BARK-9 - The "Books and Reading Canine" program helps to improve children's reading and communication skills by employing a powerful method--reading to a dog. BARK-9 uses

Here is the January Broome County Library Calandar:  http://www.gobroomecounty.com/deptcalendar/library

There is also a Summer Reading Program that starts around the first week of July every summer. This last year's theme was One World, Many Stories. We have participated as a family in this program since my son was born (three years in all). This program consists of:
1) Fun family events each week like zoo mobile, wacky chad, bubble extraordinare man, steel drum bands, bugs/stories/songs.
2) Reading books
3) Activities to learn and do with your children

In addition to all of the above fun for the Summer Reading Program, you earn free tickets for every member of your family to a METS baseball game. Each member of your family also chooses a book from their collection to keep. Our children can also earn prizes for certain activities.


  Preschool Story Time and Craft Program:
* Children must be born before January 24, 2009.
* Story times begin January 24, 2012 and end March 16, 2012.
* Each child registered must have a parent with a 4CLS library card.
* There will be no story time if the Vestal Schools are closed due to inclement weather.
* Adults are not permitted to attend story time sessions.
* Choose One Session:
* Tuesdays at 10:30 am.
* Wednesdays at 10:30 am.
* Fridays at 1:30 pm.

Lapsit Story Time and Craft Program: Fridays from 10:30-11:00 am.
* Children ages 2 are eligible.
* Story times begin January 27, 2012 and end March 16, 2012.
* Each child registered must have a parent with a 4CLS library card.
* There will be no story time if the Vestal Schools are closed due to inclement weather.
* Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
     You can visit the above link to see activities at the Vestal Library. They have a nice craft/storytime program. My son loves the big bed like platform loaded with stuff animals. We sit or lie down on the platform and read book after book. Sometimes, we just sit and look at all the stuffed animals. This library is quiet and very conducive to one on one snuggle time with your child.

    The Vestal Library is unique in that it has play bags loaded with educational toys you can sign out and take home to enjoy.

George F. Johnson
Toddler Story Time: Mondays @ 9:30am, 10:30am & 11:30am (1/16-3/12)Children 2 to 3 1/2 years of age and their caregivers are invited to join us for programs that will include stories, songs, and crafts. Registration is required. Call or visit the library on or after Tuesday, January 3 to register.
Preschool Story Time:Tuesdays @ 10:30am & 1:00 pm (1/17-3/13)
Children 3 1/2 to 5 years of age and their caregivers are invited to join us for programs that will include stories, songs and puppets. Registration is required. Call or visit the library on or after Tuesday, January 3rd to register.
Mother Goose Story Time: Wednesdays @ 10:00 am & 11 am
This program is from birth to two years old and their caregivers. This program includes a story, songs and finger puppets. This program only lasts for 20 minutes followed by a juice/cookie social time.
   My son loves this library because they have small round tables with stamp pads and stamps on them.  You can also sign out great games to play at the tables.

Your Home Public Library 
This Library does not have any childrens' programs as far as I know but it is an adorable, quaint library to visit.

    One of the greatest parts of our library system is that  Books may be returned to ANY Four County Library System Librar which includes: Broome County Public Library (Binghamton), Deposit, Endicott, Fenton, Johnson City, Lisle, Nineveh, Vestal, Whitney Point.  We do this often as a family as we travel to different programs at different libraries.

  Get out a good book, a cup of hot chocolate, snuggle with your family and enjoy passing on the joy of reading.

BOOKS Reading Program
   Earn great pirizes just by reading to your children.